‘Little Mubariz’ To War Against Armenia And Has Already Secured Hims


2009-03-17 11:09:00

ArmInfo. ‘Every sensible person both inside and outside Azerbaijan is
aware of President Ilham Aliyev’s big authority in the country. Aliyev
has all the resources for succession of power without any referendum
of amendments to the Constitution’, Head of the Center of Political
Innovations and Technologies of Azerbaijan Mubariz Ahmedoghlu said.

Casting no doubt on the words of a little mubariz (little as compared
to his master), we will try to reveal their meaning. Indeed, Ilham
Aliyev really has enough resources since over the years of governing
over Azerbaijan the father of the Azerbaijani nation has accumulated
enough resources. Little mubariz is right also when he says that
Aliyev-junior needs no referendum for ‘succession of power’. The
resources he has accumulated selling oil and gas that belong to the
whole ‘prospering’ nation of Azerbaijan, will easily ensure succession
of power not only to him but also to his successor.

However, it is noteworthy that emblazing his master little mubariz even
urges Azerbaijanis to search for ‘positive sides’ of the referendum.

He is sure that since the origination of the conflict, Azerbaijan
has passed a long political way to the international recognition
of its rights for Nagorny Karabakh. Nevertheless, mubariz says that
with strengthening its international positions and refusing fr om the
previous principles and making new and more radical demands for release
of its lands, Azerbaijan is gaining big dividends in this issue.

We will agree to his words and let mubariz personally search for
‘positive sides’ of the everlasting governance by Aliyev. Azerbaijan
really refuses from its own principles putting forward new absurd
demands and claims to Karabakh land. Given the unscrupulousness and
huckster’s nature of the Azerbaijani authorities, this should not
surprise anyone especially one of their brilliant representatives,

‘Azerbaijan has applied to the UN. Our country asks permission to
launch military actions to release the occupied territories. This
application is necessary to prevent any ‘seize upon us’ by the
super powers in case Azerbaijan begins settling Karabakh conflict
by force. Our country has secured itself. President of Azerbaijan
intends to give the final resolution to the Karabakh conflict and
return all the lands occupied by Armenians.

Here is the long-term outlook of the constitutional amendments’,
thus mubariz spoke.

Despite the feeble mind of the little mubariz, his calls on the
Azerbaijanis is clear i.e. let’s give Aliyev an opportunity to
govern until death and he will unleash a new war against peaceful
population of Karabakh. However, the ‘voice of Aliyev’ forgot to
inform Azerbaijanis that in this new war, which has been unfair from
the20very beginning, they will be the first to lay down their lives
but not he, little mubariz, since his role is small – just to prophesy,
if not to say more precisely.