42% Growth Of Active Plastic Cards In Armenia


2009-03-17 11:08:00

ArmInfo. The number of active plastic cards in Armenia, issued by the
Armenian Card payment system’s member-banks, grew by 42% to 361702
by March 1, 2009, as compared with the similar period, 2008.

According to the data the Armenian Card provided to ArmInfo, 59%
(212281pcs.) of these cards fell on the local ArCa, MasterCard – 13%
(46357 pcs.), Visa cards – 28% (103064 pcs.). Moreover, 16627 plastic
cards were issued over February, having exceeded January indicator by
1918 cards. Total number of operations with cards in February made
up 240795, including 145181 with ArCa cards, 35999 with MasterCard
and 59615 with Visa cards.

According to the source data, the number of sale/service/ cash delivery
points (less regard to ATM), active in the Armenian Card system, made
up 1943 as of March 1, 278 of which are cash delivery points. 2184
POS-terminals functioned in these sale/service points, 346 of which –
in the cash delivery points. Along with it, of the total number of
POS-terminals, ArCa cards were served by 2161 POS-terminals, Visa –
1452, MasterCard – 1697. The number of sale/service/cash delivery
points over February grew by 33, POS-terminals – by 35. There were
total of 2668 active terminals in Armenia as of March 1, including
484 operating ATMs.