Capitalizing on a visit

Time traveler . . . business runners . . . capital idea

Jan. 8, 2005 12:00 AM

Capitalizing on a visit

Arizona will play a role in the spread of capitalism to former communist
lands when the state hosts two professors from Yerevan State Institute of
Economics in Armenia.

The instructors from the former Soviet territory will be here in late
February to learn about free markets and how economics is taught in Arizona.

“We have sent some of our teachers to Eastern Europe, including Lithuania,
Russia and the Czech Republic,” said Amy Willis, executive director of the
Arizona Council on Economic Education. “But this is the first time we’ve
hosted anyone.”

The council has planned a busy itinerary for the two professors, Tsinovar
Karapetyan and Arpenik Muradyan, who instruct other teachers about
economics. They will visit public schools, Arizona State University, the
state Department of Education, the state Capitol and Bank of America. They
also have voiced a special desire.

“They’ve requested to go to a mall,” Willis said.