Heritage gives ANC last chance


Heritage gives ANC last chance
21.03.2009 12:31 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Heritage party has decided to give the Armenian
National Congress another chance to think over nomination of a single
candidate for the post of Mayor of Yerevan.

Heritage offers a slate with party founder Raffi Hovannisian at the
head, followed by ANC leader Levon Ter-Petrosyan, Heritage faction
member Zaruhi Postanjyan and People’s Party leader Stepan Demirchyan.

`I would like to emphasize that Heritage party offers the ANC to
choose candidates for the Council of Elders,’ party spokesman Hovsep
Khurshudyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

Asked whether Heritage party has already drawn a separate slate in
case ANC rejects the proposal, the spokesman said the party will be
waiting for a response till 6 p.m., March 21.

`If rejected, the party will nominate its own candidates,’ Khurshudyan