Now Ter-Petrosyan Became An Alternative


14:05:52 – 26/03/2009

On March 26, the former speaker of the National Assemble Tigran
Torosyan, who was one the biggest criticizers of the opposition and
its leader Levon Ter-Petrosyan after March 1 events, stated that Levon
Ter-Petrosyan created an alternative for the public while returning in
politics. The reporters noted that there were alternatives before too,
at least figures who presented themselves as alternatives. "All right,
it may be better to say – created another alternative," corrected
Tigran Torosyan. He also noted that one should not hurry and state
that if Levon Ter-Petrosyan fails in the election that will be his
failure in politics too. Tigran Torosyan noted that few people though
that after 10 years of silence Levon Ter-Petrosyan would come back
to politics, but he returned. Tigran Torosyan noted that a political
figure decides on their own what will be their end in politics.