Present-Day Problems Of The Armenian-Turkish Conflict – Continued



Armen Ayvazyan, PhD
Director, "Ararat" Center for Strategic Research
Yerevan, Armenia
+(37410) 274-833
[email protected]

Some of the Responses

The Ararat Center for Strategic Research is running a series of
interviews about the latest interstate developments between Armenia
and Turkey. The list of participants includes representatives of
the general public, as well as state officials, politicians, public
figures and experts.

Anyone willing to participate in the survey can answer the questions at
the following address: [email protected]. In your response, please
indicate your name, age (optional), profession and place of residence.

The survey covers three themes, each based on a specific example:
1. Turkey’s policies on the Armenian Genocide issue.

2. Turkey’s stance on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

3. The invitation by the Government of the Republic of Armenia to
Turkey to participate in the construction of the new nuclear power
plant in Armenia.

Theme 1: Turkey’s policies on the Armenian Genocide issue Since
December 2007, the Ministry of Education of Turkey has been showing a
film in Turkish schools, which conveys that historically, Armenians
killed the Turkish people. The film has already been seen by about
12 million Turkish stud ents, including students in elementary
grades. 600,000 copies of the film’s DVD were distributed to Schools.

1.1. How do you assess this move by the government of Turkey?

Turkey’s policies regarding Armenia or the Armenian nation ha s not
changed and will not change in the future, anyone who thinks that
it will change is living in Alice’s wonderland, sadly our present
government is one of those who are living in that wonderland.

1.2. What objectives does Turkey pursue by this action?

It’s so obvious that Turkey has no intention what so ever to recognize
the Armenian Genocide. It is brainwashing its population and thus
making near impossible for anyone in Turkey to acknowledge their dark
pages of history.

1.3. What are the likely consequences of this action?

More hate towards the Armenians and other ethnic minorities in Turkey
like Jews, Assyrians, Kurds, Greeks and others.

1.4. Why is the government of Armenia staying silent about this
Turkish initiative?

Sadly, we have a government who have NO national strategy in any field,
they govern ad hoc and also the fact that this government is trying to
please US and EU in order to stay in power after the famous election
fiasco, having said this, it doesn’t mean that a government under the
opposition with LTP as its leader will be any better, in fact it will
be worse, so sadly this is the lesser of the two evils.

1.5. How should the Armenian author ities respond to this action?

Any Armenian government which has Armenian national interest at heart
should alter course and be more robust in its approaches on all fronts,
they should be more active on all international forums wi th their
ambassadors being proactive rather than be paid up tourists at the
expense of the Armenian tax payer in the countries they are residing
as ambassadors..

Theme 2: Turkey’s stance on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Officials in Armenia and Turkey talk about the development of
Armenian-Turkish relations. At the same time, on February 19, 2009,
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan stated that: a) With regard to the
Karabakh conflict, the positions and policies of Turkey and Azerbaijan
is completely identical; b) Turkey and Azerbaijan have worked out
this policy and are implementing it jointly.

At the same time, Azerbaijan does not hide its goal to capture

2.1. What conclusions can be drawn from this statement by Erdogan?

Let our government learn from its mistakes from Erdogan’s statement. If
they have any sense they should allow only NKR government to negotiate
with Azerbaijan, as they are the only body which has the right to do
so. As far as giving any districts back to the Azeri’s the answer is
NO and NEVER, any government which agrees to do so will be viewed as
TRAITORS and should be dealt with accordingly.

2.2. Why have the authoritie s and the political parties of Armenia
not officially responded to this statement?

It seems they are all afraid of their own shadows, or have no policies
to deal with such harmful statements.

2.3. How should the government of Armenia have responded to Erdogan’s

Robustly, the government should have made known to the Erdogans of
this world where we stand.

2.4. After this statement by Erdogan, should the authorities of
Armenia continue the policy of rapprochement with Turkey?

Is there anything left for rapprochement?

Theme 3: The invitation by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
to Turkey to participate in the construction of the new nuclear power
plant in Armenia

3.1. In the context of the questions discussed above, how do you
assess the February 21, 2009 statement by the Armenian Prime Minister,
effectively inviting Turkey to participate in the construction of
the new nuclear power plant in Armenia?

The most stupid and irresponsible statement I have ever heard.

3.2. What will Armenia gain from Turkey’s participation in the Armenian
nuclear power plant construction?

Armenia will only loose, as there is nothing to gain from this
irresponsible action.

3.3. What national security problems are likely to arise if Turkey does
participate in the construction of the nuclear power plant in Armenia?

It will be a nightmare for Armenia if Turkey ever was allowed to have
any say or allowed to participate in the project.

3.4. Why did the Armenian Prime Minister, on the 12th of March (20
days after his first statement), change his position, s tating that
Turkey is expected to participate only financially, through the sale
of some shares of the new nuclear power plant to Turkish companies?

Pressure from the Armenian public, however even his second statement
is nothing but stupid.

3.5. Do you support the idea of selling shares of the new Armenian
nuclear power plant to Turkish companies?


Respondent: Mr. MIHRAN KEHEYIAN Contributor to the Armenian News
Network place of residence: UK 28/03/2009

Theme 1: Turkey’s policies on the Armenian Genocide issue Since
December 2007, the Ministry of Education of Turkey has been showing a
film in Turkish schools, which conveys that historically, Armenians
killed the Turkish people. The film has already been seen by about
12 million Turkish students, including students in elementary
grades. 600,000 copies of the film’s DVD were distributed to Schools.

1.1. How do you assess this move by the government of Turkey?

I see NO inconsistencies, or tangible difference in what has now
been almost two centuries old policy of removing one last barrier,
to reunification of Turkic people, from Japan to Europe pan Turkism
is nothing new for various flavoured Turkish governments. This move
is to refresh and=2 0fortify the propaganda that Armenians are the
enemy and should be eliminated as soon as possible. Every one knows
if you want a dirty job done you must either pay well or make it
sound20for the good of nation. It is easier to call upon someone to
remain quiet or participate in a war if the war is seen as removing
an enemy of Turkey. Unlike what our government is doing in every
possible opportunity of presenting our two hundred years old sworn
enemy as neighbours to our east who we should let bygones be bygones
for the sake of cheap goods and services.

1.2. What objectives does Turkey pursue by this action?

Teaching the propaganda "Blood thirsty Armenians" to the new internet
aware generation of Turks who may have inadvertently fallen into trap,
intended for the gullible Armenians "apology for the genocide website"
probably orchestrated or at least funded by the Turkish security
services, I believe.

1.3. What are the likely consequences of this action?

Keeping up the good work, of a good government, attempting to reach the
goal set for them nearly two hundred years ago, no expenses spared,
in the midst of world wide financial crises they can always find
good few million, from somewhere, it is money well spent. (By the
way question gives the impression that only Turkish students have
seen the material; the truth is despite objections from minority
community leaders, non Turk, amongst the m Armenian students were
forced to see the material too).

1.4. Why is the government of Armenia staying silent about this
Turkish initiative?

Because they do not know how to react, they are not thinking of the
state of Armenia, but think of their bank balance and that of their
pay masters and friends, that are helping them stay in power. They are
overcome by the sense of greed and indifference. A government mostly
made up from novo reach ill, if not at all educated individuals who
have gained power through corruption and bribe. Like the rabbit stuck
in the headlight they have been surprised yet again. Because they do
not have a strategic plan in place of how to deal with an enemy who
at first opportune moment will destroy you to reach its strategic
long term survival plan. Our government has forgotten to read "non
Soviet" version of our history, and believes in its childish idea of
"open borders without preconditions".

1.5. How should the Armenian authorities respond to this action?

Try to read some of our recent and not too irrelevant history, to
see Turkey as what it is – a state hell bent on destruction of this
peaceful ancient people, one-way or another.

They need to start thinking as government for the people of Armenia,
not like the manager of uncle Bernie’s little corner shop or Hotel,
that will do any thing, provide any service to appease the neighbours
stay fr om the east or west most comfortable. They need to wake up
and see these neighbours do not want the bygones be bygones; they
are not intended to be gests they want to become the=2 0landlords!

Finally they should at least respond like with like, immediately
remove, questionable people in charge of our mass media, and start
using them as tools to educate our people that it is time again to
get of our knees and forget about our hunger and sense of injustice
at the hands of our own, and be ready to face the future that awaits
all people who unite for the sake of all, a bright and prosperous
future awaits for all of those Armenians who will participate in
reaching the goal of secure, peaceful, and just state of Armenia,
Home for over ten million of us scattered round the world.

Theme 2: Turkey’s stance on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Officials in Armenia and Turkey talk about the development of
Armenian-Turkish relations. At the same time, on February 19, 2009,
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan stated that: a) With regard to the
Karabakh conflict, the positions and policies of Turkey and Azerbaijan
are completely identical; b) Turkey and Azerbaijan have worked out
this policy and are implementing it jointly.

At the same time, Azerbaijan does not hide its goal to capture

2.1. What conclusions can be drawn from this statement by Erdogan?

That as far as pan Turkism is concerned all is well and relationship
building exercise is only a front for the rest of the world, and
what Turkey does can not and will not endanger the interests of
Azerbaijan,=2 0 as they are one and the same as Turkey’s interest
and long term goal. In fact I would hazard a guess that Azerbaijan
and Turkey have already decided how they would divide Armenia between
them! Not just "capture Karabagh".

2.2. Why have the authorities and the political parties of Armenia
not officially responded to this statement?

Because they do not have anything to say, they are like the rabbit
caught in the headlights, how can a band of uneducated greed driven
village corner-shop keepers and their family from back home, be capable
of concentrating on that and watching his back or the fear of loosing
his undeserved but well bribed for position in government! He probably
does not even care or understand what is being said or done.

2.3. How should the government of Armenia have responded to Erdogan’s

The Government should have broken off all talks until such time as
Erdogan clarified his position, and announced it loud and clear to
the rest of the world. Instead of remaining silent like the rabbit
in the headlight, fixed to the spot ready for the kill.

2.4. After this statement by Erdogan, should the authorities of
Armenia continue the policy of rapprochement with Turkey?

NO, rapprochemen t, there should not have been any until such time
that Turkey stops acting like and talking like an enemy. Simply you
do not make friends with an Enemy while he is hell bent on destroying
you and does not mind telling the world that he has been planning
for this goal, with your other neighbour!

Theme 3: The invitation by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
to Turkey to participate in the construction of the new nuclear
power plant in Armenia

3.1. In the context of the questions discussed above, how do you
assess the February 21, 2009 statement by the Armenian Prime Minister,
effectively inviting Turkey to participate in the construction of
the new nuclear power plant in Armenia?

Flabbergasted, dumbfounded, stupefied at the stupidity of such feeble
attempt to get Turkey to agree with the plans for building the plant
in the first place, they have done this amongst themselves for so
long and it has worked, poor man thought if might work if he offers to
spread the loot a bit thinly to will make all the thefts happy, after
all that approach works very well in everyday government negotiations!

3.2. What will Armenia gain from Turkey’s participation in the Armenian
nuclear power plant construction?

Armenia will gain Nothing, Absolutely NOTHING.

3.3. What national security problems are likely to arise if Turkey does
participate in the construction of the nuclear power plant in Armenia?

It is an incredible question! How on earth can you have any thing
but Nation security problems, when you invite an enemy and he accepts
to take part in constructing, managing even part owning your nuclear
power plant!? Simply WOW

3.4. Why did the Armenian Prime Minister, on the 12th of March (20
days after his first statement), change his position, stating that
Turkey is expected to participate only financially, through the sale
of some shares of the new nuclear power plant to Turkish companies?

Because someone reminded him of that age old problem, you can not
hope to share the loot with the enemy; He is after having all of it
for himself sooner or later. In any case those sorts of offers only
work to appease members of the government his coalition members!

3.5. Do you support the idea of selling shares of the new Armenian
nuclear power plant to Turkish companies?

NO. Otherwise it would have been like selling bullets to the guy
holding a gun to your head!

Respondent: VIGEN NAZARYAN Age: 49 years IT Systems Engineer place
of residence: The Republic of Armenia 23/03/2009

Theme 1: Turkey’s policies on the Armenian Genocide issue Since
December 2007, the Ministry of Education of Turkey has been showing a
film in Turkish schools, which conveys that historically, Armenians
killed the Turkish people. The film has already been seen by about
12 million Turkish students, including students in elementary=2 0
grades. 600,000 copies of the film’s DVD were distributed to Schools.

1.1. How do you assess this move by the government of Turkey?

Despicable, deceiving, immoral

1.2. What objectives does Turkey pursue by this action?

Futhering their m.ass cover-up 1.3. What are the likely consequences
of this action?

More deception. A new generation of hatred by the Turks towards

1.4. Why is the government of Armenia staying silent about this
Turkish initiative?

I really don’t know

1.5. How should the Armenian authorities respond to this action?

Demand an investigation by the global community: United Nations. EU,
The USA etc… This hate breeding propaganda should not be tolerated
by anyone.

Especially Armenia.

Theme 2: Turkey’s stance on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Officials in Armenia and Turkey talk about the development of
Armenian-Turkish relations. At the same time, on February 19, 2009,
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan stated that: a) With regard to the
Karabakh conflict, the positions and policies of Turkey and Azerbaijan
are completely identical; b) Turkey and Azerbaijan have worked out
this policy and are implementing it jointly.

At the same time, Azerbaijan does not hide its goal to capture

2.1. What conclusions can be drawn from this statement by Erdogan?

His complete support for Azerbaijian, which means lack of support
for Armenia.

2.2. Why have the aut horities and the political parties of Armenia
not officially responded to this statement?

I don’t know. Sounds sinister.

2.3. How should t he government of Armenia have responded to Erdogan’s

Openly, critically.

2.4. After this statement by Erdogan, should the authorities of
Armenia continue the policy of rapprochement with Turkey?

Absolutely not!!!

Theme 3: The invitation by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
to Turkey to participate in the construction of the new nuclear power
plant in Armenia

3.1. In the context of the questions discussed above, how do you
assess the February 21, 2009 statement by the Armenian Prime Minister,
effectively inviting Turkey to participate in the construction of
the new nuclear power plant in Armenia?

I can’t believe. Has this prime -minister gone completely mad. I’m
very surprised at his actions. Turkey wants to support Azerbaijian
who wants to attack Armenia. How could any of this be logical.

3.2. What will Armenia gain from Turkey’s participation in the Armenian
nuclear power plant construction?

I have no idea. More heart ache. What will Armenia gain??? I would
like the answer to this one.

3.3. What national security problems are likely to arise if Turkey does
participate in the construction of the nuclear power plant in Armenia?

Ummmm….let me think. Turkey would have access to Armenia’s nuclear
power plan t. Hello!!!! They’re teaching there children to hate
Armenians by lies and deceit, and they are supporting a country
that believes in terrorizing Armenia. So huge national security
problem. It’s like the big bad wolf waiting for us to allow it to
gobble us up.

3.4. Why did the Armenian Prime Minister, on the 12th of March (20
days after his first statement), change his position, stating that
Turkey is expected to participate only financially, through the sale
of some shares of the new nuclear power plant to Turkish companies?.

3.5. Do you support the idea of selling shares of the new Armenian
nuclear power plant to Turkish companies?

Don’t know!

Respondent: TER-MINASIAN, LISA Age: 35 Los Angeles, USA

Theme 1: Turkey’s policies on the Armenian Genocide issue Since
December 2007, the Ministry of Education of Turkey has been showing a
film in Turkish schools, which conveys that historically, Armenians
killed the Turkish people. The film has already been seen by about
12 million Turkish students, including students in elementary
grades. 600,000 copies of the film’s DVD were distributed to Schools.

1.1. How do you assess this move by the government of Turkey?

Falsifying history and preparing a future generation of Turks
ignorant of the truth and full of hatred and anger against Armenia
and Armenians.

1.2. What objectives does Turkey pursue by this action?

To continue its denial of its c rimes committed during the beginning
of the last century 1.3. What are the likely consequences of this
action?=0 D In the very near future, the whole Turkish population
(the future adults who are school aged children now) will believe
that the Armenians massacered them instead of the other way around and
then it will be even more difficult to get Turkey to accept its crimes.

1.4. Why is the government of Armenia staying silent about this
Turkish initiative?

Due to the lack of preparedness of the Armenian government to deal
with such matters. The Armenian government does not have an established
policy to deal with such issues and is simply overwhelmed.

1.5. How should the Armenian authorities respond to this action?

By doing the following: 1. A counter propaganda refuting all the
denialist propaganda of the Turkish government and address it to the
Turkish people.

2. Initiating a similar campaign in Armenian schools to teach the
Armenian children the TRUTH.

3. Protesting to foreign governments to put pressure on Turkey to
stop this false propaganda and history falsification.

Theme 2: Turkey’s stance on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Officials in Armenia and Turkey talk about the development of
Armenian-Turkish relations. At the same time, on February 19, 2009,
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan stated that: a) With regard to the
Karabakh conflict, the positions and policies of Turkey and Azerbaijan
are completely=2 0identical; b) Turkey and Azerbaijan have worked
out this policy and are implementing it jointly.

=2 0 At the same time, Azerbaijan does not hide its goal to capture

2.1. What conclusions can be drawn from this statement by Erdogan?

That Turkey is 100% on Azerbaijan’s side and should not be trusted at
all. This implies that Turkey should not play any role in mediation
efforts around the NK conflict or any other crucial issue to Armenia.

2.2. Why have the authorities and the political parties of Armenia
not officially responded to this statement?

Again because of a lack of an organised effort on the part of the
government. This shows that the present government has no long term
plan or established policy to deal with such matters. The government
is simply overwhelmed by events.

2.3. How should the government of Armenia have responded to Erdogan’s

By being firm and going on an international media campaign protesting
the bias of Turkey in this conflict and demanding Turkey’s neutrality
in this conflict.

2.4. After this statement by Erdogan, should the authorities of
Armenia continue the policy of rapprochement with Turkey?

NO NEVER, unless publicly Turkey reverses its position.

Theme 3: The invitation by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
to Turkey to participate in the construction of the new nuclear power
plant in Armenia

3.1. In the context o f the questions discussed above, how do you
assess the February 21, 2009 statement by the Armenian Prime Minister,
effectively inviting Turkey to participate in the construction of
the new nuclear power plant in Armenia?

I was not aware of this. But if this is the case, then it is pure
stupidity on the part of the Armenian government.

3.2. What will Armenia gain from Turkey’s participation in the Armenian
nuclear power plant construction?

Nothing to gain and everything to lose.

3.3. What national security problems are likely to arise if Turkey does
participate in the construction of the nuclear power plant in Armenia?

The operation and maintenance and the reliability of an extremely
important national resource will be in the hands of Turkey who can
literally pull the plug on Armenia and chock Armenia to death any
time they want.

3.4. Why did the Armenian Prime Minister, on the 12th of March (20
days after his first statement), change his position, stating that
Turkey is expected to participate only financially, through the sale
of some shares of the new nuclear power plant to Turkish companies?

I assume due to the outcry of the Armenian public and media pressure
over the issue.

3.5. Do you support the idea of selling shares of the new Armenian
nuclear power plant to Turkish companies?

Of course NOT.
