U.S. President Urged To Sign An Agreement


19:49:24 – 07/04/2009

On April 7, the Armenian foreign ministry issued a press release
on the details of the meeting between the Armenian, Turkish, Swiss
foreign ministers and the U.S. president in Istanbul.

"In the evening of April 6, in Istanbul, the U.S. president met with
the Armenian, Turkish and Swiss foreign ministers Edward Nalbandyan,
Ali Babajan and Micheline Calmy Rey. The meeting took place after
the official dinner in honor of the participants of the "Alliances of
Civilizations" forum organized by the Turkish president Abdullah Gyul.

The president Obama said ready to assist the efforts of the Armenian
and Turkish authorities to normalize the relations, saying to be
satisfied with the registered progress.

The U.S. president encouraged the sides to sign an agreement on the
normalization of the relation of the two countries.

The U.S. president assessed as historical and courageous the steps
taken up by the Armenian and Turkish presidents and, added the
Armenian and Turkish frontier opening may procure the peace and good
future for the two nations," is said in the statement of the Armenian
foreign ministry.