Anti-Constitutional Decrees?


12:33 pm | April 07, 2009


Taking the demands set forth in the RA Law on "Legal Acts" as a basis,
the "Supreme Council" parliamentary group appealed today to the RA
President with the request to annul the decree that was issued to
appoint Manuk Vardanyan as presidential adviser.

"This is not the first time that the RA President assigns state posts
not foreseen by the law, particularly:

-Deputy Head of the RA presidential administration, advisers,

-Secretary of the National Security Council -Standing Representative
of the RA President in the National Assembly -Mayor of Yerevan and more

The RA President also assigns some posts without even noting the fact
that the proposals were made by the RA Prime Minister, particularly
the appointments of Yerevan mayor and RA Ministers.

In other words, the President creates posts and makes appointments
in a time of crisis.

For instance, does anybody know why the Prime Minister undertook the
initiative to replace ministers, or why the President infringed upon
the constitutional order and proposed to replace the mayor while he
praised the previous one?

As we were not able to find the corresponding resolution of the RA
Prime Minister, we asked the Prime Minister today to provide us with
information regarding his proposal to appoint former mayor Yervand
Zakharyan as President of the State Committee on Real Estate Cadastre
adjunct to the RA Government," as stated in the release of the group.