NKR: Congratulations to Rashid Gharabaghtsi

Congratulations to Rashid Gharabaghtsi

NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department

April 10, 2009

The NKR Prime Minister Ara Haraoutyunyan sent a congratulatory message
to the NKR Honoured Artist Rashid Gharabaghtsi in view of his 70th
anniversary. The message runs as follows:
"I convey my hearty congratulations to you in view of your 70th
anniversary, which is, really, a fine event in the present cultural
life of Artsakh. For many long years you were the artist who caused joy
and pure aesthetical pleasure to our compatriots in Karabakh, Armenia
and abroad. Your creative contribution is obvious and is loved in our
society, your performances are endowed with our national karabakhian
flavour and peculiarity, which is worth particular appraisal.
I cordially wish you strong health and new creative achievements.
Let you never be in deficiency of our people’s love".