Azeri Lawmakers Blast Iran


15-04-2009 19:42:12

Azerbaijani lawmakers directed a wave of criticism at Iran`s policies
toward its neighbor during a parliamentary sitting on Tuesday.

Zahid Oruj, deputy chairman of pro-government Ana Vatan party, said
"the presence of an Azerbaijani state does not suit Iran." "There are
several reasons for that. First, Iran believes that it could impose
its religious state model on countries like Azerbaijan. Tehran is
therefore trying to capitalize on the religion factor in its attitude
toward Azerbaijan," the MP said. According to him, Iranian secret
service bodies are attempting to use Azerbaijani youths heading to
the neighboring country to receive religious education as a weapon.

Secondly, Iran is trying to take advantage of Azerbaijan`s ethnic
diversity. "This policy is particularly evident in Azerbaijani
borderline regions. [In doing so], Tehran is allegedly striving
to protect the rights of ethnic minorities here," Oruj opined. The
Ana Vatan deputy chairman believes that Iran considers Azerbaijan`s
foreign political and economic relations as a threat to its interests,
but this stance is erroneous. "They cannot cite a single fact whereby
we took any steps against Iran in the oil contracts we have signed or
in our political relations." Oruj went on to say that Iran is impeding
the determination of the legal status of the Caspian Sea, an issue
that has long been under discussion among the five coastal nations
— Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Russia. Tehran,
which is failing to draw closer to an agreement with Azerbaijan on the
sea-bed division, is using these differences as a lever of influence
on Baku`s economic plans and political relations. Oruj also cited the
propaganda being pursued by Iranian TV channels against Azerbaijan,
saying it should be actually deemed as the government`s position.

"It is common knowledge that Iran is a totalitarian country, and
talking about independent media in such countries would be out of
place. This being said, the propaganda being pursued by Iranian TV
channels against Azerbaijan should be considered as Tehran`s stance."

Oruj said such an anti-Azerbaijan policy pursued by the Seher
(Morning) TV is not being carried out even by Armenia, with which
Azerbaijan faces a long-standing conflict. "This TV channel is a
mouthpiece of Iran`s official policy," Oruj said. He also noted that
the drug proliferation problem has nearly turned into a state policy
in Iran`s relations with its northern neighbor. "I am saying this
with a full brunt of responsibility. It is enough to take a look at
statistical figures. 70-80 per cent of narcotics trafficked while
using Azerbaijan as a transit state is being transported from Iran,"
Oruj said, adding that Iran is thus trying to undermine Azerbaijani
citizens physically and morally. The MP said Iran-Armenia relations
serve to the strengthening of Armenia`s positions in the Azerbaijani
territories it occupies. "Iran`s Constitution starts with the name
of Allah. I would very much like for the Iranian state to honor
the name of Allah," Oruj said. Igbal Aghazada, the leader of the
opposition Umid Party, agreed that the Seher TV channel is pursuing
propaganda against Azerbaijan. According to him, the broadcaster has
been airing programs in the past several days ridiculing the country`s
relations with Turkey, its ally. "Azerbaijan should come out against
this vile stance of Iran," the lawmaker said. He said the 35 million
Azerbaijanis living in Iran should protest this policy of Tehran,
and a new government that would respect the rights of Azerbaijanis
should be formed in the country.