BAKU: Opposition MPs protest agreements with Iran

AssA-Irada, Azerbaijan
April 28 2009


Pro-opposition members of the Milli Majlis (Azerbaijani parliament)
have protested the ratification of the documents signed between the
governments of Azerbaijan and Iran. During the discussions regarding
the agreements on removal of double taxation and development of
economic and trade relations between the two countries, MP Nasib
Nasibli from the Musavat Party called on his counterparts to abstain
in the vote due to the continuation of anti-Turk campaign and
violation of Azerbaijanis rights in Iran.

He said that some problems existed between Iran and Azerbaijan. Those
fighting for the rights of Azerbaijanis are taken into custody. By
abstaining during the voting on this agreement we would symbolically
express our protest against Iran, Nasibli said. Chairman of the Whole
Azerbaijan Popular Front Party Gudrat Hasanguliyev called on
parliament to vote against the agreement. He said that Iran was
expanding relations with arch-foe Armenia, noting that the two
countries have recently signed an agreement on the establishment of a
railway link. Presently, Iran is not pursuing the policy of friendship
against Azerbaijan. Therefore, we should vote against this agreement,
Hasanguliyev said. First Vice-Speaker Ziyafat Asgarov said that such
statements by parliament members did not serve for the development of
relations between Iran and Azerbaijan. He said that the agreements
passed to the parliament met both countries interests. Currently,
relations between Azerbaijan and Iran are developing. We have good
neighborhood relations, Asgarov said. Following the discussions the
agreements were ratified.