In Karabakh Road Map Is Not Taken Seriously


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
May 06, 2009

In Gyumry the NKR Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan answered the
journalists’ questions on the process of negotiation around the
Artsakh conflict, those concerning the foreign policy carried out by
the Armenian authorities and the Armenian-Turkish relations.

– What is the attitude of the NKR authorities towards the foreign
policy carried out by Armenia and aren’t they troubled by the lately
signed Armenian-Turkish agreement?

– Today’s negotiations satisfy the people of Artsakh and do not cause
any trouble. Citizens of Artsakh are confident that no settlement
on the status of Artsakh without our participation is possible. We
welcome any opportunity of cooperation, which will promote the economic
growth of Armenia and Artsakh must not be an obstacle on the way of
Armenia’s economic development. But we are also convinced that the
authorities of Armenia will never carry a resolution contrary to the
will of Artsakh people.

– What viewpoint on the present negotiation process round the
settlement of Karabakh conflict does the Prime Minister have?

– On part of Artsakh no concrete agreement is reached. In case of
making any concrete proposal the people of Artsakh will express their
point of view. The standpoint of Artsakh people is clear for everybody:
they must live in their free and independent Homeland.