NKR Deligation Visited Shiraki Province


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
May 06, 2009

On May 5, by the invitation of the RA Government the NKR delegation
headed by the Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan were on a two days visit
to Shiraki province within the framework of cooperation between the
administrative regions of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and provinces
of Armenia.

It is expected that the NKR Prime Minister will pay tribute to the
victims of the Earthquake, meet with students of Gyumri, be present
at the joint concert of ensembles of culture of Artsakh and Shirak,
which will take place in the dramatic theatre after Vardan Adjemyan.

On May 6, the RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan will join the
delegation of Artsakh. A conference with participation of heads of
the RA provinces will be conducted; possibilities and spheres of
cooperation with the NKR regions will be discussed.

In the context of the Disaster Area house-building programme, the
delegation of Artsakh with the Prime Minister at the head will visit
one of residential areas being under construction by the Glendale
Hilzee organization and will get familiarized with construction
process, as well as will visit the 10 th century construction,
Marmashen ecclesiastical complex.