BAKU: Azerbaijani Prepared Armenia’s Representatives For Eurovision-


May 12 2009

Moscow. Ulkar Gasimova – APA. Clothes, hairdo, makeup, choreographic
etudes and stage decoration of Armenia’s representatives in
Eurovision-2009 song contest Anush and Inga have been arranged by
Azerbaijani Aslan Ahmadov, APA reports quoting Novosti-Armenia.

Aslan Ahmadov is one of the founders of Fresh Art Company that arranged
the performance of Armenian representatives. Together with the other
founders David Gevorkov and Alexander Siradekyan he arranged special
composition for Anush and Inga. Founders of Fresh Art said they were
proud of preparing Armenia’s representatives for Eurovision-2009.

"We are proud that we have been commissioned to represent mighty and
ancient state Armenia with not simply a song, but an extraordinary
song reflecting ancient culture and ethnos."

Aslan Ahmadov, who arranged the performance of Armenian representatives
in Eurovision-2009, was born in Baku in 1973. He graduated from Art
University in Baku in 1994 and moved to St. Petersburg. Together with
Armenians David Gevorkov and Alexander Siradekyan he founded Fresh
Art Company. APA’s special correspondent covering Eurovision-2009 song
contest asked Aslan Ahmadov to comment on it, but he refused to do it.