BAKU: Jury From Azerbaijan Gave Highest Point To Norway In Eurovisio


May 19 2009

Baku. Ulkar Gasimova – APA. "We are proud that we represented
Azerbaijan in a deserving way.

We are grateful to everybody for supporting us. Thanks to this we
achieved success," Aysel Teymurzadeh and Arash, who represented
Azerbaijan in Eurovision-2009 song contest and ranked the third
among 42 countries, told the press conference, APA reports. Aysel
Teymurzadeh said Youth and Sport Minister Azad Rahimov came to their
room in Moscow and expressed his gratitude for their performance.

"President Ilham Aliyev talked to us over the phone. The head of state
congratulated us and wished success. Some said we would not win. Now
they are ashamed of their words," she said.

Teymurzadeh said Armenia’s representatives had wished success to us.

"Before the semifinal Armenian representatives told us our song was
very nice. They even wished success to us. I was shocked. So, our
song and performance is nice indeed. 1 point given to Azerbaijan by
Armenia in the final proves it. Our song was so lovely that Armenians
could not help voting for us," she said.

Azerbaijan’s representatives underlined that the winner of
Eurovision-2009 Alexander Rybak of Norway deserved the victory.

"Alexander deserved the first place and got this victory.

We said earlier that Alexander was our strongest rival. We were sure
that we would be on top three. Our feelings didn’t disappoint us".

Spokeswoman for the Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
and Eurovision 2009 commentator Leila Aliyeva noted that Azerbaijani
jury of five gave 12 points to Norwegian singer Alexander Ribak. "Vagif
Gerayzadeh, Fakhriyya Khalafova, Mubariz Taghiyev, Tunzale Aghayeva,
Manzar Nuraliyeva were in the Azerbaijani jury. They voted for the
Norwegian singer in the semifinal".

ITV public relations and monitoring department chief Tahir Mammadli
expressed his opinion about the voting at the Eurovision 2009 Song
Contest. He said there was objective voting and the results couldn’t
be changed. "The votes were counted by the German company and were
facsimiled to every country before the voting. Therefore there is no
probability of the hiding of votes. It might be interrupted because
of technical problems. There was no violation of voting". Mammadov
expressed opinion about the reports on people’s artist Aygun
Kazimova’s TV comments on Eurovision 2009. "Aygun Kazimova was
in Moscow during the contest. We thank her and other singers for
their support. ITV didn’t make official announcement about the Aygun
Kazimova’s comments. There are some restrictions in this contest. It
means there are some places they were restricted to enter".

At the end of the press conference, Aysel Teymourzadeh and Arash
performed "Always" for the journalists.