Ambassador of Cyprus presents credentials to Deputy Foreign Minister

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The Ambassador of Cyprus presents the copies of his credentials to
Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Karine Kazinian

On May 19, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Karine Kazinian received
Petros Kestoras, the newly appointed Ambassador of Cyprus to Armenia
(residence in Moscow) on the occasion of presenting the copies of his

In her welcoming remarks, Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister mentioned
that warm and friendly relations have been established between Armenia
and Cyprus and expressed hope that the appointment of a new ambassador
can promote the further development and expansion of bilateral
relationship. Karine Kazinian expressed her gratitude for the
excellent cooperation between two countries within the international
organizations. .

Ambassador Kestoras emphasized that Cyprus is interested in further
strengthening of mutually beneficial cooperation with Armenian in
different areas, and added the organization of high-level visits could
stimulate it. Ambassador thanked for Armenia’s balanced position in
Cyprus issue and presented recent developments in negotiation process
and the expectations of the Cypriot side.

On the guest’s request Karine Kazinian presented the process of
normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations. The two exchanged views
on Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) peace process.