Press Conference With The Members Of The PPA

21.05.2009 18:07

The members of the Progressive Party of Armenia Lewon Zurabyan,
Wladimir Karapetyan and Patwakan Howakimyan met with the journalists
in the club "Pastark". The Congressmen made complaints about the
conditions of the elections: one writes about their party not enough,
and there are many electoral violations registered. The first problem
is the question of the journals. One can vote instead of the man who
did not come to the elections, because they control the journals. This
is the most usable mean of the electoral violations. The Responsible
for the foreign affairs of the Progressive Party of Armenia Wladimir
Karapetyan added: they did not invite the OSCE observers; it means
they extra avoided the OSCE observers. The Congressmen are sure 20
observers cannot control more than 400 electoral points. They think,
it would be better to have one observer for each electoral point. "But
we are going to the elections with the positive mood, we are sure,
we will win", – said the congressional representative Lewon Zurabyan.