Memorial unveiled

Arlington Advocate
May 23 2009

Memorial unveiled

Sat May 23, 2009, 06:30 AM EDT
Arlington, Mass. –

State representative Will Brownsberger, D-Belmont, and others admire a
memorial commemorating world-renowned classical music composer and
musician Alan Hovhaness in front of the Jefferson Cutter House on
Sunday. This was one event in a string of events to recognize one of
Arlington’s most well known residents and one of Arlington High
School’s most successful graduates.

The memorial celebration, which initiated the 100th anniversary of
this Armenian American composer, began just a few days before when
pianist Martin Berkovsky completed his `All Men are Brothers’ run from
Mount Monadnock, New Hampshire to 5 Blossom Street, where Hovhaness
grew up.

The dedication ceremony of the memorial on Sunday, May 16 was followed
by a free concert in the Town Hall Auditorium directed by Pasquale
Tassone and featuring Berkofsky as one of the performers.
