Members Of Congress Express Support For Greek Issues

By Irene Zoupaniotis

Greek News
May 25 2009

Thirty four key Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 10
key U.S. Senators participated and briefed the delegates of the 25th
Annual Cyprus and Hellenic Leadership Conference. Most of the members
of Congress expressed strong support to the communities concerns on
Cyprus, the Macedonian issue and the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The
list of the speakers included some of the most powerful congressional
figures, suck as, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) who is the Senate
Assistant Majority Leader, House Foreign Affairs Committeeʼs Chairman
Howard Berman (D-CA), Eurpean Subcommitteeʼs Chairman Congressman
Robert Wexler, Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Chair, European Affairs
Subcommittee, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and others.

Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA) who recently returned from a trip in
Cyprus said he was there for less than 24 hours, but he had an amazing
series of meetings. They had a chance to spend time with President
Christofias and had a great conversation. He met with the Foreign
Minister and the Ambassador, and also met with the negotiators on the
other side of the Green Line. He came away from those meetings, one,
much more knowledgeable about what was going on in Cyprus and with one
essential fact. That the inability to solve the issue right now is not
because of conflicts within Cyprus. It is for one fundamental reason,
the Turkish troops in Cyprus and the Turkish government imposes a
constraint on Cypriots who have fundamentally accepted the notion
that there is one sovereign Cyprus, that there are processes to give
everyone participation in that democratic sovereign government and
a constraint on settling this issue comes from the presence of those
Turkish troops on Cyprus.

Berman described Turkey as the key to the Cyprus problem and raised
some points on how to deal with Ankara.

"In my dealings with Turkey the key question is, what is in their
national interest that they retain troops in Cyprus."

He also stressed that the trip made him to change his opinion of the
Kofi Annan Plan. He generally could not understand if the plan was
that unreasonable, but then he learned many of the underpinnings of
that plan and the defects of the whole proposal.

Congresswoman Niki Tsongas (D-MA) has signed on with John Sarbanes
on a letter that laid out the issues that they would like to move
forward on. Since she is on the Armed Services Committee they can
work on Turkey and getting the troops out of Cyprus.

Honoree: Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA) : Has admired the tenacity of
Cypriots and Greeks in general. For 400 years under Ottoman Empire
they were able to preserve their ideals, their culture, their language
and religion even under those circumstances. He witnessed the great
frustration of Cypriots who have been divided by that barbed wire who
quite frankly want nothing more than to be united. The one impediment
to the talks between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots is the
people that are brought to Anatolia to settle in northern-occupied
Cyprus. There have been millions of crossings. There is no excuse
whatsoever, and that is why he is proud to lend his efforts. He is
a co-sponsor to the efforts of pressuring Turkey on this.

Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) : Last week Lehtinen
joined Congressman Bilirakis in submitting an amendment to the state
department authorization bill that took place Wednesday afternoon on
three very important issues. First, to address the problems conflicting
the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the form of the Turkish governmentʼs
imposition of such harsh regulations against the church. Itʼs very
existence is threatened. It called upon the Turkish government to
acknowledge the international status of the Patriarchate and the
fundamental right to own property, to train its clergy, and to elect
its spiritual leader according to its own criteria not those imposed
by the Turkish government. It also authorized aid to Cyprus that US
funds should be used to support reunification efforts in that country.

Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) : Mr. Berman approached us a few
months ago and asked what was important to them and put in some
language that was favorable to our Patriarchate. However, Congressman
Bilirakis did say that he was disappointed.

Honoree: Congressman Russ Carnahan (D-MO) : He took his first trip
to Cyprus and had a chance to tour the area, the occupied area as
well. Toured the area of the UN facility of missing persons and
saw encouraging signs with the co-operation between both sides. He
sees progress and thinks the Obama administration is going to make
bold steps.

Congressman Donald Payne (D-NJ) : Hopefully with the new administration
we will see some changes in the status quo and the situation in Cyprus
finally should be settled. He discussed driving up to Andyʼs home
and seeing the home that is now occupied by Turks. Being brought
up as a minority in an area that is difficult to move forward, he
has a feeling for injustice wherever it is. He feels as close to
ending the illegal occupation of Cyprus just as Cypriots feel. He
also reintroduced his bill regarding the Parthenon marbles and that
they should be returned from Great Britain.

Congressman Gene Green (D-TX) : He discusses his first time in Cyprus
due to a layover on his way to Islamabad and visiting the Green
Line. He saw the lack of growth and devastation on the northern side
in comparison to the development of the southern side. Realizes that
the decisions should be made in Cyprus but they are not and they have
to deal with Turkey.

Congressman Gary Ackerman (D-NY) : This is an issue about pawns, and
the people of Cyprus are really pawns in an international game. Turkey
is really important to the US, from a military, geopolitical,
etc… point of view, but that does not make them right. Just because
they have a large army does not give them moral standing to be in a
country that is not theirs. There will be a reunification of Cyprus,
it will be a bi-zonal, bi-communal place, but that cannot really
take place with the threat of guns and a military presence. People
have a right to live and rule themselves without any threat, or fear,
or intimidation.

Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV) : One, the Presidentʼs
announcement that its time for Turkey to be admitted into the
EU. She states that she was astounded because first, Turkey is not a
European country and doesnʼt see the reason that they should even be
admitted, and second we cannot contemplate this before we ensure the
Ecumenical Patriarch is not discriminated against and his property
isnʼt confiscated by the Turks. Until we solve the Cyprus issue
there should be no talk of Turkey going into the EU.

Concerning FYROM and the name issue she believes they should not be
using the name because we know who the name really belongs to.

Congresswoman Suzanne Kosmas (D-FL) made known that he attended the
conference to state publicly that she supports the Greek issues.

Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) : Ever since he was a very young
kid he became infatuated with Greece and its history and all of the
examples that Greece has set for other countries around the world. He
has had the opportunity to visit Cyprus and the situation in Cyprus
is something that is very important to him and it is a situation that
must be straightened out.

Congressman John Adler (D-NJ) : He is fighting toward a popular
resolution for the right of the return of property. He also calls upon
the US to put pressure on Turkey to move aside in the issue of Cyprus.

Congressman Mike McMahon (D-NY) : He states the commitment Congressman
Berman has given in pushing our agenda to the forefront and his
commitment in seeing the end of Turkish occupation in Cyprus. He
sees a settlement can only be reached for the Cypriots by the
Cypriots. On Wednesday, Congressman McMahon and Congressman Bilirakis
expressed their desire to see more work on the unified Cyprus by the
Committee. He will address Foreign Assistance bill in the fall and
the aid money that goes to Cyprus will be employed in such a way to
build institutions and utilities that can be easily integrated when
this reunification becomes a reality. He will be meeting in a few
weeks with Greek Foreign Minister Bakoyiannis.

Congresswoman Diane Watson (D-CA) : She gives her support in the
reunification goal. She is also working on a project called "Go Out
On Our Films" bringing movies to countries such as South Africa,
and will be placing Greek-themed films in the library as well.

Congressman Joe Crowley (D-NY) : He stands with all Cypriots who
stand for a united Cyprus.

Congressman Steve Rothman (D-NJ) : He has addressed the division
of Cyprus, the Visa Waiver Program, religious freedom issues, the
Ecumenical Patriarchate, and the confiscated properties.

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) : The presence of Greek Americans
in Washington is what keeps the issues alive. There are 138 members
in the Hellenic Caucus which is more than any other caucus in
Congress. She urges Turkey to respect the rights of the Ecumenical
Patriarch. They are introducing the FYROM bill that states Macedonia
is Greek. Last year she had 123 co-sponsors for the bill. She also
has a piece of legislation for Cypriot property rights in order to
stop the selling of land that was owned by Cypriots prior to the
invasion. Also, she addressed the oil in southern Cyprus and that it
does not belong to Turkey.

Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) : He states that he worked to
make sure when the President was to visit Turkey he would also mean
with the Patriarch.

Congressman Frank Pallone (D-NJ) : Last year he was enthused by
the talks between Talat and Christofias, but now it seems with the
nationalist party in the occupied territory they seem to be going
back. He mentions the ECJ decision of not expatriating territory that
is the property of Cypriot refugees. He wants to reintroduce the bill
for redress or grievances for property. They had a letter sent to the
New York Times that had an advertisement for a piece of property for
sale in northern Cyprus.

Congressman Paul Hodes offered strong support for Cypriot

Congresswoman Dina Titus (D-NV) : Believes the problems with Turkey
have gone on for too long. She is a co-sponsor for all the bills
previously mentioned.

Congressman Albio Sires (D-NJ): When he saw the Turkish flag in
the mountain in Cyprus he saw that as insensitive, provocative and
unnecessary. He asked Secretary Clinton when she came before the
committee what is to be done about the Turkish troops in Cyprus.

Congressman John Sarbanes (D-MD) : He states that there is a strong
combination of tiredness, because we feel that we keep pushing
and donʼt see any progress we want to see and on the other hand
there is still a determination. The US should do the right thing for
geostrategic reasons and that includes having strong relations with
a unified Cyprus.

Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) offered only off the record
remarks. According to one of the participants, he raised continuously
that Turkey should not have so many troops on the island because it
is illogical and an irrational expenditure.

He seemed concerned about the result of the so called elections in
the north, pointing out that they have shown that it is self-evident
and essential that America presses upon the Turkish government to
continue the talks.

According to the same sources in the case of a negative approach
by Turkey, he will hold Prime Minister Erdogan and President Gul
accountable for what happens to negotiations and additionally he will
not support any roadblocks placed by them.

Wexler also informed the gathering about a difficult meeting he
held in February in Ankara, with the new Foreign Minister of Turkey,
during the crisis between Israel and Turkey.

Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) : He is pleased to see Turkey and
Armenia are talking because that is a good sign. He states Cypriot
division is like the Berlin Wall of our time "and as Regan said to
Gorbachev ʽWe must tear this wall downʼ ".

THE SENATE Senator Barbara Boxer (D-PA) stated that the good bilateral
relations will only get stronger in an Obama administration as seen
with the securing of sea lanes. She is confident the Republic of
Cyprus will get strong support from the US because their friendship
is valuable.

Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) : He has been supporting Greek and
Cypriot causes for the past 16 years. His constituent base has
very few Greeks, thus he is not supporting us based on politics but
rather principle. Strong and unwavering relationships with Greece
and Cyprus are in American interest as well as American national
security interest. He also reminds us of the significant role the
Diaspora plays, for example when it stopped a resolution of FYROM.

Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) mentioned the assistance he offered to
Greece and Cyprus through the Appropriations Committee.

Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) spoke in length about the trip he took
to Greece, Cyprus and Turkey Alexi Gianoulias and Endy Zemenides
and his meetings in Cyprus with President Christofias and Mehmet
Ali Talat. He sees that they are moving towards a resolution. He
also keeps in touch with Talat and he had called him recently to
tell him to stay with negotiations and not to give up and he [Talat]
told the State Department that he was encouraged to continue. Senator
Durbin also went to Athens and Ankara and met with the Patriarch where
they spoke on a number of serious issues such as the closing of the
Halki Seminary. He then reached out to Secretary Clinton and began
to speak to her about the seminary, which she already knew about,
and she was convinced into revisiting her old issue that she was very
much involved in.

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) : He states that the destruction of cultural
material in Cyprus is just wrong and that the occupation by Turkish
troops violates principles of OSCE and others, therefore he is focused
on using these oppositions to end Turkish occupation in Cyprus. He
states they will work together to make sure that Cyprus has the
protection it needs.

Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN) : He is advocating on behalf of the
Patriarch. In regards to FYROM, he states that there may be no answer
but he is empathetic to our cause.