“Nairit Factory” CJSC Resumes Production


YEREVAN, JANUARY 24. ARMINFO. One of the world leader of the chemical
industry – Armenian “Nairit Factory” CJSC will resume the production
of synthetic rubber within the nearest two days, Director of the
factory Rouben Saghatelyan told ARMINFO.

According to him, the enterprise standing idle since August of 2004
has resumed the production of hydrate of sodium, liquid chlorine for
purification of drinking water and other non-basic production from the
beginning of 2005. Saghatelyan noted that the enterprise was
transferred to management the Armenia’s Ministry of Energy, but he
refused to inform the terms of the transfer.

Earlier, in the Armenian Parliament, Prime-Minister Andranik Margaryan
stated that “after two failed attempts of selling the factory the
Government undertook its management and decided to resume its activity
itself to increase the investment attraction”. He added that Armenia’s
Government will look for an investor for resumption of rubber
production on butadiene base for which from 10 to 12 mln USD will be

To note, the accounts of “Nairit factory” CJSC were arrested in the
summer of 2004 because of payables. The sum of factory’s debts total
about 30 mln USD. -R-