Merely Outrageous Elections


15:45:35 – 01/06/2009

The member of the Transparency International organization Amalya
Kostanyan and the head of the Vanadzor branch of the Helsinki
Association Artur Sakunts expressed their opinions in connection with
the election on May 31.

Artur Sakunts stated that it was merely an outrageous election. Unknown
people tried to bribe him saying, "let’s go to eat something", stated
Sakunts with anger.

The electoral commissions were formed to rig the election. In one of
the polling stations the head of the commission was making notes in
front of the names of the voters, which is not allowed by the law,
noted Sakunts.

The trustees, the observers and the members of the commissions were
working as a team trying to direct the voters. People were afraid
to complain that someone else had already voted instead of them. As
to the international observers, Sakunts noted that either they have
been bribed or they consider Armenia the enclave of Russia.

Amalya Kostanyan demanded to declare invalid the results of the
election at the 8 electoral district. There was created some atmosphere
of fear, terror. Kostanyan is sure that no normal mechanism may work
here, the only way out is not to bear it and to rebel.