New Train In Yerevan – Batumi Line


16:06:08 – 04/06/2009

The Director General of the South Caucasus Railway CJSC Shevket
Shaydulin dwelt on the work done in Armenia and its successes. Remind
that the Armenian Railways were passed to concession management
of South Caucasus Railways for a 30-year period with permission to
prolongate the term for another 10 years on February 13, 2008.

Shaydulin noted that the circulation of the passengers increased by
46 percent in 2008. In Armenia the figure increased by 3, 5 percent.

In particular, Shaydulin stated that the salaries of the workers
of the Armenian Railways were increased. The Gyumri station will be
reconstructed and the Masis station will be modernized. There will
be created another additional 300 job posts due to the reconstruction

The president of the South Caucasus Railway CJSC noted that the
company is going to implement two important projects: to launch the
Armavir-Yerevan and Armavir-Yerevan-Sevan-Shorja lines.

A new train of 20 wagons will be exploited, which will be used for the
Yerevan-Batumi line, stated Shaydulin. He added that on June 13, the
president of the board of directors of the Russian Railways company
Vladimir Yakunin is going to visit Armenia.