The Eastern Partnership: Getting Down To Work

04.06.2009 18:40

Four weeks after the launch of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) the EU
and its eastern neighbours (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia,
Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) are getting down to work. One of the
innovations of the EaP is a new multilateral dimension to relations
with these countries alongside the bilateral path of cooperation. The
first Eastern Partnership (EaP) multilateral platform will be
held tomorrow, 5 June, in Brussels. It will focus on democracy,
good governance and stability. The other platforms, devoted to
economic integration, energy and people to people contacts, will
also be launched during the month of June. The aim of the platforms
is to support the eastern partners’ efforts to approximate to EU
standards, to foster exchanges of experience and best practice and to
strengthen contacts between them. Tomorrow’s meeting will concentrate
on mapping out fields for co operation, and will discuss the launch
of two Flagship Initiatives, on border management and prevention,
preparedness and response to disasters.

"The European Commission has wasted no time in getting this new
initiative off the ground. The launch of the multilateral platforms
is key to the success of the Eastern Partnership. I hope that it will
bring very concrete support to our partners’ reform efforts, as well
as deepening mutual understanding" said Commissioner=2 0for External
Relations and European Neighborhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner. She
added:" The first platform is devoted to governance issues which are
at the heart of this partnership. Respect for citizens’ rights, and
the rule of law, with a vibrant civil society are key elements of the
democratic societies we hope to see grow in these countries. While our
partners are all in different situations and stages of transition,
they face similar challenges, so a multilateral approach can bring
real value added".

The Eastern Partnership brings countries in Eastern Europe and South
Caucasus, EU Member States and institutions together to promote
security, stability and prosperity. It provides additional support
for reforms and modernization efforts in partner countries, bringing
them closer to EU principles and practices. This initiative builds on
the EU’s European Neighbourhood Policy by developing its specific
Eastern dimension. In addition to strengthening the bilateral
relationship between the EU and the partner countries of the EaP
multilateral platforms provide a framework to improve understanding
of EU legislation and standards, to share experience, and develop
joint activities within the Eastern Partnership initiative.

The whole-day meeting on 5 June chaired by the Commission within
the multilateral thematic platform on Democracy, good governance
and stability marks the beginning of the implementation phase of the
Partnership. Representativ es of the six partner countries, the EU
Member States, the Council Secretariat, and the European Parliament,
the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social
Committee will participate in the working sessions.

Two flagship projects will be presented in this first meeting:
"Integrated Border Management" programme and "Prevention of,
preparedness for, and response to natural and man-made disasters"
(which should be already launched before the end of 2009). The other
flagship initiatives include: integration of electricity markets,
energy efficiency and renewables; a SME facility; and diversification
of energy supply.