Yerevan Jur (Armenia) To Raise Water Price


June 8, 2009

YEREVAN, June 8. /ARKA/. On July 8, 2009, the Yerevan Jur Company will
raise the price for one cubic meter of water by 8.2 AMD up to 181 AMD.

The RA Public Services Regulatory Commission made a relevant decision
at its sitting today. Head of the Commission’s Tariff Policy Department
Armen Arshakyan reported that the price for 1,000 cubic meters of
drinking water will be 153,850 AMD (inclusive of VAT). The price
for drainage will be 12, 670 AMD for 1,000 cubic meters and that for
water purification 14,480 AMD.

The following factors necessitate the price rise: smaller water
consumption, inflation, and higher electric power prices, Arshakyan

He also reported that the Yerevan Jur offered 190 AMD for one cubic
meter, but, after monitoring, the Commission considers an 8.2 AMD
rise the best.

The Yerevan Jur Company is an Armenian resident. It was founded by
Generale des Eaux (France), which won a WB-announced contest for
10-year lease of Yerevan WaterSewerage Company in 2005.

The Yerevan Jur CJSC has the right to manage the Yerevan water to
render water-supply, drainage and purification services in Yerevan,
Araratm Aragatsotn and Kotayk.

The company serves 332,750 water consumers and a 2,120km water-supply