ANCA Challenges Foreign Aid Double Standard

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648
Email [email protected]


June 11, 2009
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— Protests MCC Reduction and Cuts in Economic Aid to Armenia;
Tilt in Military Assistance Balance toward Azerbaijan

WASHINGTON, DC – The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
today circulated a memo to Congressional offices documenting the
double standards used to set U.S. aid policy toward to the
countries of the Caucasus – policies which have, in recent weeks,
led to a proposed 38% cut in economic aid to Armenia and the
cancellation of an $80 million road project to the poorest regions
of this blockaded nation.

The document, released the day after the Millennium Challenge
Corporation effectively suspended a full third of its $235 million
grant to Armenia due to concerns over democratic governance,
compares the harsh U.S. response to Yerevan’s actions, both
rhetorically and in terms of aid levels, to the increased financial
support that both Azerbaijan and Georgia are set to receive despite
their serious shortcomings in the areas of democracy, corruption,
and governance.

The full text of the memo is provided below. To view the PDF ?
visit df


Double Standards: U.S. Aid Policy in the Caucasus

The Administration’s proposal to cut economic aid to Armenia by 38%
and the recent decision by the Millenium Challenge Corporation’s to
effectively end an $80 million road project in Armenia both
highlight the absence of a consistent set of standards in setting
foreign aid policy toward the nations of the Caucasus.


— A proposed 38% cut in FY10 economic aid
— An $80 million reduction in MCC funds
— A proposal to break military aid parity in favor of Azerbaijan

The Millenium Challenge Corporation, on June 10th, effectively
stopped an $80 million roads projects in the poorest sections of
Armenia due to concerns over democratic governance. Prior to this,
in May of this year, the Administration proposed a 38% cut in
economic aid to Armenia, the sharpest cut to any of the nations of
Europe and Eurasia.


— A proposed 20% increase in economic aid
— No MCC program
— A proposal to break military aid parity in favor of Azerbaijan

In May of 2009, the State Department proposed a 20% increase in
economic aid to Azerbaijan. This increase was recommended despite
Baku’s record of human rights abuses and its recent flawed election
ratifying a constitutional amendment that will allow the Aliyev
family to continue its corrupt and openly authoritarian rule. (An
Aliyev, either the current president, Ilham, or his father the late
Geidar, has ruled Azerbiajan for roughly 36 of the last 42 years.)


— A proposed 19% increase in economic aid
— A potential $100 million increase in MCC funds
— A partially implemented billon dollar post-war aid package

On September 9, 2008 the Millennium Challenge Corporation announced
a potential $100,000,000 increase to Georgia and praised Georgia’s
"strong economic foundation and its impressive record of reform."
In May of 2009, the State Department asked for a 19% increase in
economic aid to Georgia.

MCC’s assertion about Georgia’s "impressive record of reform"
contradicts its own determination that Georgia falls below MCC
standards for Political Rights, Civil Liberties, Voice and
Accountability, and other categories.

Human rights monitors, including the State Department, Human Rights
Watch, and Amnesty International, regularly criticize Georgia’s

— The State Department, on February 25, 2009, issued its annual
human rights report on Georgia, which documented that: "The main
human rights abuses reported during the year included at least two
suspected deaths due to excessive use of force by law enforcement
officers, intimidation of suspects, abuse of prisoners, poor
conditions in prisons and pretrial detention facilities, police
impunity, lack of access for average citizens to defense attorneys,
reports of politically motivated detentions, lack of due process in
some cases, and reports of government pressure on the judiciary.
Respect for freedom of speech and the press lessened, but began to
rebound by year’s end. Other problems included reports of
corruption among senior officials and trafficking in persons."

— Human Rights Watch, on April 22, 2009, issued a report
detailing: "indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks during the
August 2008 armed conflict over South Ossetia; lack of
accountability for the excessive use of force by law enforcement
officials; criminal justice reforms that violate human rights
standards; and pressure and threats on the media."
/human-rights-watch-concerns-and-recommendations-g eorgia

— Amnesty International, in its most recent report on Georgia,
documented that: "Police reportedly used excessive force to
disperse anti-government demonstrations in November, and throughout
the year there were reports of police beating suspects when
arresting them. Unfair trials of political opponents of the
government were reported.