NKR: Appointments


NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
June 18, 2009

Today, the NKR Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan has signed decrees on
new appointments. Valeri Balayan was dismissed of his post of Head
of the Department of Industrial Infrastructures and was appointed
Director of "Artsakhenergo" CJSC. Karlen Petrosyan, being dismissed
of his post of Head of the NKR Prime Minister’s Control Service,
was appointed Head of the Department of Industrial Infrastructures.

The same day Head of the Government met with the former and newly
appointed heads of the Department of Industrial Infrastructures
and executive officials of its subdivisions. Clarifying the aim and
expediency of the appointments, A.Haroutyunyan emphasized that the
Executive anticipates serious improvements especially in the energetic
system. During the past two years appreciable progress was recorded
in this sphere, however, these achievements are not satisfying and
there are still many tasks to be carried out,- the Prime Minister
noted. He demanded from the Executives of the sphere to implement
necessary structural and organizational improvements within short
time-limits, to pass to modern methods of the system management. "I
will personally control the improvements implemented in the system",-
A.Haroutyunyan stated.

K.Petrosyan, newly appointed Head of the Industrial Infrastructures,
was instructed by the Prime Minister to continue improvements also
in the spheres of transport and communication service, where changes
for the better were recorded as well, however, development rates are
not sufficient.

K.Petrosyan assured that every effort will be exerted for the
successful implementation of the working and the anticipated new