Armenian-Syrian Business Forum Starts In Yerevan


Noyan Tapan
June 18, 2009

YEREVAN, JUNE 18, NOYAN TAPAN. In conditions of the current
political and economic realities, Armenia and Syria build warm and
dynamically developing relations of a new quality, and the levels
of their political and economic cooperation should strive for an
equality. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan stated this at the June
18 opening ceremony of the Armenian-Syrian business forum, in which
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad also participated.

"This purpose is not only a good will, but also an achievable target,
especially as entrepreneurs of Armenian descent are seriously
represented in the business circles of Syria," S. Sargsyan said,
adding that during the meetings between him and Bashar al-Assad,
special attention was given to the problems of developing the trade
and economic relations between the two countries. In his words,
thanks to efforts of the governments of Armenia and Syria, quite a
favorable legal and contractual field has been formed for promotion
of the trade and economic cooperation.

S. Sargsyan said that the forum is a good occasion for becoming
acquainted with each other’s achievements in the trade and economic
sphere and establishing business links. "I am convinced that there
is great potential in scientific-technical, agricultural, energy,
urban development, tourism, trade and financial banking sectors,
and our task today is to consolidate the realistic objectives aimed
at realizing that potentail," S. Sargsyan stated.

Underlining the special role of Armenians living in Syria, he said:
"I should ask you to contribute – by using your opportunities and
business connections – to the identification of the current trade
and economic potential between our countries and to the presentation
of each other’s products in the two countries". S. Sargsyan assured
those present that each new initiative, each project on the promotion
of economic relations will receive support.