Presentation Of Research "The Trade And Economic Problems Of Reopeni


Noyan Tapan
June 23, 2009

YEREVAN, JUNE 23, NOYAN TAPAN. Armenia should form its stance and
a negotiation position on reopening the Armenian-Turkish border,
develop the respective package of reforms and their implementation
strategy and then implement these reforms consistently. This in its
turn may be useful for the improvement of Armenia’s legislative and
institutional system, which is necessary for sustainable economic
development and efficient participation in the international trade
and economic environment. The authors of the extensive research "The
Trade and Economic Problems of Reopening the Roads between Armenia
and Turkey" done on the initiative of the ARF Bureau have come to
this conclusion.

The member of the ARF Bureau, leader of the National Assembly "ARF"
faction Vahan Hovhannisian said at the June 23 discussion at the ARF
Kristopor Mikaelian Center that the work has "no political context". It
will be submitted to the prime minister and government for discussion
soon. Starting from September, it will become a guide for the faction
to work out legislative initiatives.

The head of the working group on the research, ARF Bureau member
David Lokian informed in detail the representatives of NA factions,
economists and experts present at the discussion on the conditions
affecting the import and export of Armenia and Turkey, as well as on
the results of a comparative analysis of the agriculture, industry,
tourism, transport and communication sectors.

It was mentioned that Turkey has quite a high level of the protection
of domestic manufacturers, uses numerous measures to encourage its
manufacturers and exporters, and the indicated measures create even
more unequal conditions for Armenian and Turkish economic entities
in favor of the Turkish ones. Therefore it is necessary to improve
the business support system in Armenia as much as possible, as well
as promote the activities of the control and protection systems in
the market.