President Serzh Sargsyan meets with outgoing Indian Ambassador

Pandey is leaving Armenia
09:06 pm | June 26, 2009 | Official

President Serzh Sargsyan met today with outgoing Indian Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia Reena Pandey.
The head of state praised Pandey’s contribution to the development of
bilateral relations.
Serzh Sargsyan underscored with satisfaction the high level of
political dialogue and the growing rates of trade and commerce that
doubled this year.
The head of state also expressed gratitude to the Indian government
for its attitude toward the Indian Armenian community.
Ambassador Pandey said that she is content as she looks back at the
past three and a half years in terms of progress and attached
importance to the establishment of an IT center in Yerevan.
The diplomat also mentioned that the Indian government has responded
to Armenia’s rural development program and is implementing serious
projects in one of the rural communities of the Lori region, which
falls in line with President Sargsyan’s strategic plans for
development in the regions.
The sides underscored the effective bilateral cooperation within
international organizations. Reena Pandey also said that India praises
Armenia’s position on the most important issues in India. In his turn,
Sargsyan welcomed
India’s balanced position on regional issues.
Sargsyan wished Reena Pandey success and expressed confidence that she
will always be a good friend of Armenia.
