Hariri Says MPs Showed Openness, Lebanon’s 2 Voices Should Be United


Beirut, 29 Jun 09, 21:38

Premier-designate Saad Hariri said after day-long consultations with
parliamentary blocs on the future cabinet that MPs showed openness
and stressed the "two voices" of Lebanese should be united in the
country’s interest.

"Consultations were good. There was openness by MPs. Tomorrow I will
inform the president about my meetings with the blocs," Hariri said
after his last meeting with MP Nayla Tueni Monday evening.

He said that he will start discussion on the cabinet following his
meeting with President Michel Suleiman.

"We hope to open a new page in order to form a cabinet of national
unity … in which everyone is represented," Hariri told reporters
in parliament. "We hope division would come to an end."

"We should build trust through dialogue," the PM-designate stressed.

He also hoped to reach the expected cabinet formula.

"We heard all citizens who cast their ballots on June 7. We should
unite the two voices in the interest of the country," said Hariri in
the aftermath of the parliamentary elections, adding that the country
can no longer tolerate crises.

Tueni, who was the last to meet Hariri, hoped there would be a bigger
representation of women and young people in cabinet. "The government
should preserve the majority and there should be no veto power,"
she said.

Samir Jisr, who spoke on behalf of the Mustaqbal bloc, hoped the bloc
would get the right representation.

MP Michel Pharaon, in his turn, told reporters after he met with Hariri
that everyone should be given the opportunity to be represented in
cabinet. "We also hope there would be no hindrance."

MP Anwar al-Khalil said at the start of consultations that the
Development and Liberation bloc demanded to strengthen the army and
protect the resistance. The bloc also adopted Speaker Nabih Berri’s
speech during his reelection.

Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun said the current situation
requires a national unity government, adding that all parliamentary
blocs should be represented in cabinet and the majority should
understand this situation if it wants to benefit the country.

Loyalty to the Resistance head Mohammed Raad told reporters after
the bloc’s meeting with Hariri that the country is in need of a true
national unity government capable of lifting Lebanon. "We presented
Hariri with the full details of what we seek."

As for MP Michel Murr, he called for a government of national
unity that includes everybody. "We made no demands regarding cabinet
shares. This issue is up to the president and the premier to decide,"
he said.

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat told reporters
that shares must not be allocated only to parties. "There should be
diversity in our bloc."

MP Nicola Fattoush said his Zahle in the Heart bloc has the right to
be represented in cabinet .

The LF bloc’s statement was made by MP Elie Kayrouz, who said:
"We presented our blueprint to Hariri and left the matter to him. We
support a government that does not cripple official institutions."

MP Sami Gemayel called for the separation of powers. He said cabinet
must not become a miniature replica of parliament and rejected any
move to legalize the resistance’s weapons arsenal.

As for Talal Arslan, he said his bloc’s position is clear. "We
demanded a government of national unity and real partnership,
especially considering the significance of Hariri’s designation for
the premiership."

Speaking on behalf of the Zgharta bloc, MP Suleiman Franjieh said: "We
call for a factual partnership with veto powers for the opposition."

MP Hagop Pakradounian said the Armenian bloc will participate in a
government of national unity and requested two ministers. His rival,
MP Jean Oghassabian said the Armenian Consensus bloc presented its
demands for approval by the premier.

Imad al-Hout hoped his Jamaa Islamiya would have one minister in
the cabinet.