NA Chair: Fight Against Unlawfulness Will Be Consistent But Not Easy


YEREVAN, January 28 (Noyan Tapan). As a result of the examination of
the documents that were compiled in the process of the control
activities of the RA NA Control Chamber in 2004 and afterwards sent to
the RA Prosecutor General Office, officials of 34 organizations were
presented solicitations by the Prosecutor Office, over 50 persons
responsible were warned, a total of tens of millions of drams was
returned to the state budget, as well as administrative punitive
measures were applied to 15 officials. A number of criminal cases were
started, carges with respect to some of these cases have already been
sent to court. The RA National Assembly Chairman Artur Baghdasarian
told this in a television statement. “Our objective is that those who
committed violations discovered by the Control Chamber should bear
rsponsibility,” he stated. According to A. Baghdasarian, the Control
Chamber will continue its examination activities in 2005 in accordance
with the program approved by the National Assembly since “the Control
Chamber is the instrument that should be used to fight illegality and
unlawfulness that unfortunately are rife in Armenia.” According to the
NA Chairman, the examinations reveal that very often unlawful actions
are done on behalf of the law. He brought as an example the notorious
case of the Institute of Nonorganic Chemistry when “the land plots
belonging to the employees were sold in an illegal way” without
informing them. Pledging to continue the fight against unlawfulness in
the future, Artur Baghdasarian at the same time noted that “this is
not an easy thing since, unfortunately, economic and political
interests and groups have formed in many spheres.”

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress