Russia Offers Turkey A Role In Its South Stream Gas Pipeline To Euro


02.07.2009 10:38 GMT+04:00

Russia has offered Turkey a role in its South Stream gas pipeline to
Europe, Russian news agencies reported on Wednesday.

Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, Russia’s top energy official,
told Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz that Turkey is welcome to
participate in the South Stream project, which aims to transport
Russian gas under the Black Sea through Eastern Europe to Austria
and Italy.

"We hope that the Turkish side will look at our offer and that we
will cooperate further so that our offer is more attractive and clear
to our partners," Sechin told reporters in Moscow after the meeting
with Yildiz, the news agencies reported.

He did not give details of what specific role Turkey could play in
the planned South Stream pipeline, which in its current form does
not cross Turkish territory.

Turkey is a crucial partner in the Nabucco project, which Europe is
counting on to ease its energy dependence on Russia.

Asked about the benefits of Russia’s offer over Nabucco, Sechin said:
"The clear economic accounting, the coordination of all the factors,
and the efficiency should clearly show which project is the best,"
Itar-Tass news agency reported.

Russian and Turkish Energy Ministries will also discuss gas
distribution issues upon completion of the second stage of Blue
Stream construction.

South Stream is a proposed gas pipeline to transport Russian natural
gas to the Black Sea to Bulgaria and further to Italy and Austria.