Armenian Church to be built in Kiev

Armenian Church to be built in Kiev
04.07.2009 12:44 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Agreement was reached to prolong terms of rent
contract for the building of the Armenian Embassy in Ukraine during
the meeting between the mayor of Kiev Leonid Chernovetsky and the
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Armenia to Ukraine
Armen Khachatryan .
As "Erkramas, the newspaper of Armenians of Russia reports, the mayor
of Kiev Leonid Chernovetsky said that he would help to solve urgent
problems of the Armenian Embassy.
Officials also discussed the issue of allocation of the land lot to
construct the Armenian Church.
‘Today we have only a small chapel, which can simultaneously provide
services to only 10 people, while there are about 30 thousand
Armenians living in Kiev. You can just imagine what happens in the
chapel on Sundays’, Archbishop Grigoris Buniatyan, head of the
Ukrainian Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church said.
Kiev mayor promised the Armenian Ambassador to discuss at the
forthcoming meetings of the City Hall the issue of allocation of the
land lot in the Armenian Street (Kharkov district) for the
construction of the Armenian Church.