Presidents Of Armenia, Cyprus Discuss Bilateral Relations

07.07.2009 10:39

The President of the Republic of Cyprus Demetris Christofias arrived
in Armenia for a state visit to the Republic of Armenia upon the
invitation of the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan,
Presidnet’s Press Office reported.

Armenian-Cypriot friendship, anchored on strong historical connections
between the peoples and the shared cultural heritage, offers a
solid foundation for the development of multifaceted cooperation for
the benefit of two friendly countries and the peace and prosperity
in Europe.

In an atmosphere of mutual understanding and constructiveness the two
Heads of State discussed the current situation and the prospects of the
Armenian-Cypriot relations, and exchanged views on the international
and regional issues of mutual interest.

The parties stressed the importance of further developing the political
and economic relations between Armenia and Cyprus, promoting mutually
beneficial initiatives in various areas and finding new avenues for
such cooperation.

They expressed readiness to foster ties between entrepreneurs, to
encourage mutual visits and business forums. Exchange of experience
in the field of tourism, services, banking and development of small
and medium enterprises was also emphasized. They also agreed to
promote relations in the fields of culture, education, science and

The Presidents underlined the need to further broaden the legal
framework of cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and the
Republic of Cyprus.

The Presidents expressed their support to the efforts to resolve the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the OSCE Minsk Group process and
stressed that the conflict should be resolved without use of force
and only by peaceful means and through negotiations based on the
principles and norms of international law.

The Republic of Armenia welcomes the ongoing negotiations aiming
to achieve a comprehensive, just, viable and agreed solution of the
Cyprus problem, based on International Law, the Charter of the United
Nations and the principles upon which the European Union is founded.

The sides underlined the necessity to establish and develop normal
relations between neighboring states without any preconditions on
the basis of mutual respect and understanding.

The parties expressed their readiness to strengthen and broaden
cooperation within the frameworks of the European Union initiatives,
including the Eastern Partnership. Stressing the significance of
the freedom of movement in the present world the parties agreed to
promote visa facilitation – one of the key components of the Eastern

The Republic of Cyprus will contribute to the further strengthening
of the dialogue between the Republic of Armenia and the European
Union in the interest of all parties.

The parties also agreed to intens ify the cooperation in international
organisations and to take into due consideration each other’s position.

The parties also emphasized the significance of bilateral and
multilateral cooperation aimed at maintaining common security and
stability in Europe and considering new and efficient mechanisms of
common and indivisible security in the frameworks of international
and regional organizations.