‘Karabakh Conflict – New Realities’ Conference In Nagorno Karabakh


2009-07-09 14:12:00

"Karabakh Conflict – New Realities" conference, organized by the
Caucasus Institute (Yerevan) and supported by German Henry Boell
Foundation, has started in Stepanakert.

As ArmInfo special correspondent in Stepanakert reports, the conference
was opened by Director of the Caucasus Institute Alexander Iskandaryan
who emphasized the importance of such events just in Nagorno Karabakh

‘It is important for the destiny of Karabakh to be discussed not only
in London, Frankfurt, Minsk, Vienna, Yerevan or Baku but also in the
NKR’, he said.

The participants in the conference were welcomed by Head of Henry Boell
Foundation Bureau in the South Caucasus Iris Kempe who made a speech
on a topic ‘New Prospects the of European Integration of the South
Caucasus and Influence on Settlement of Regional Conflicts’. Director
of the Armenian Center for National and International Studies Richard
Giragosyan came out on a topic ‘Changing Realities and Involvement
of Foreign Actors in the Karabakh Conflict’. Active discussions were
held upon the results of speeches, during which representatives of
the non-governmental sector and experts from the NKR expressed their
opinions and positions.