BAKU: Armenians Disgruntled With Gov’t, Poll Says


AzerNews Weekly
July 8 2009

To prevent an outcry and public protests, Armenian authorities
are providing distorted information to citizens about the damage
inflicted to its economy by the economic crisis, with 60 percent of
the population confident they are being deceived by the government,
a local poll has concluded.

According to the poll, commissioned by Armenia`s Marketing Association,
most of the country`s citizens believe President Serzh Sarkisian`s
administration is misinforming them, as the global crisis has, in fact,
taken a dire toll on the South Caucasus republic`s economy. Only 19
percent of those polled said the government`s data on the country`s
economic situation is unbiased.

85 percent of respondents believe the economic downturn has primarily
caused food prices and fees on services to increase. 29 percent of
those polled said they faced a reduction in their income, while 26
percent lost their jobs, and 20 percent complained that their salaries
and allowances had been delayed.

The Marketing Association pollsters have also concluded that 71
percent of Armenians have begun to save money, with 63 percent of
them having to economize on everything. 12 percent of respondents are
having to be frugal in their entertainment and recreation spending,
while 10 percent are saving on purchases of clothing, 5 percent on
domestic appliances, 4 percent on utilities, and 3 percent on food.

In addition, citizens are increasingly having to borrow money, are
unable to receive bank loans, while the crime rate is on the rise,
and cases of depression among people have become more frequent,
according to the study.