Serge Smessow: France Has Many Friends In Armenia


Noyan Tapan
July 14, 2009

YEREVAN, JULY 14, NOYAN TAPAN. The main interest of France in the South
Caucasian region is to see a stable and peaceful region. Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of France to
the Republic of Armenia Serge Smessow mentioned it at the July 13
meeting with journalists. It is not in vain that France is one of
the three co-chairing countries of the OSCE Minsk Group on the issue
of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, and President of France
Nicolas Sarkozy directly participated in steps aimed at overcoming
the crisis during the days of the 2008 Russian-Georgian crisis. The
Ambassador emphasized that France is one of the initiators of the
European Neighbourhood Policy program within the framework of the
European Union.

S. Smessow estimates the statement of Presidents of the OSCE Minsk
Group co-chairing countries Medvedev, Obama and Sarkozy on the
issue of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement as encouraging
at the highest level to continue the negotiation process to find a
reasonable solution for the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. The President
of his country came out against Turkey’s membership to the European
Union, he said, emphasizing that France is not the only country that
has doubts about Turkey’s membership.

The Ambassador estimates the Armenian-French relations as excellent,
splendid: those develop both in political and in economic spheres. The
cooperation also develops at the level of the two countries’ regions,
marzes, cities, communities. The existence of the French University in
Armenia is a peculiar expression of that cooperation. The long-standing
relations between the two peoples coming still from the Middle Ages
furthered the cooperation. He reminded that France is one of the
countries that gave shelter to Armenians rescued from the Genocide,
there is an Armenian community of about half-million in France.

The Ambassador also stated that some receptions will be organized
at the Embassy on the occasion of the national holiday of France,
the storming of the Bastille which is celebrated on July 14: France
has many friends in Armenia and it is impossible to limit themselves
to one reception.