Ataka Leader Thanks Bulgaria Voters For Removing BSP, DPS

July 14 2009

The Leader of the far right Ataka party, Volen Siderov, has thanked all
Bulgarian voters for ousting BSP and DPS and sending them in oblivion.

Siderov spoke Tuesday during the official first session of the 41st
National Assembly.

"Politics is not a vaudeville. Politics is a rough, cruel occupation,
and we are not attending the arts workshop. Mr Pantev, you presented
the things, as everything is running smooth in Bulgaria. During your
ruling, Mr Stanishev, there was actual political repression. You sent
the Bulgarian police to beat elderly people, who were protesting. Your
ruling was a regime, not a democratic government. You were conducting
political repression with the mandate of the Turkish party, DPS",
Siderov said.

He also accused the President of Bulgaria, Georgi Parvanov, for
being guilty for giving the mandate for the previous government to
the anti-constitutional, anti-Bulgarian organization of DPS, which
is the successor of a terrorist organization.

"I hope that the presence of so many jurists in this hall will result
in numerous sentences to those who are guilty. If we do not start this
rule without finding those who damaged Bulgaria most, we will not
be a new majority. Ataka will withdraw its support to the political
force that walks the path of compromise", Siderov said.

In the first working day of the new Parliament, Ataka will present
four bills for discussion. Among them is a proposal for acknowledging
the genocide over the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.