Armenia Fears M.Bryza’s Appointment U.S. Ambassador To Azerbaijan


Azerbaijan Business Center
July 14 2009

Baku, Fineko/ Armenian public opinion responded extremely
negatively to prospects of (by the way, were not confirmed) appointment
of Matthew Bryza, co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group on settlement
of Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict , U.S. ambassador
to Azerbaijan.

Simon Manukyan, European expert of problems of Eurasia and Europe,
stated that M.Bryza, probably, will be appointed the ambassador to
Baku in order to finish process of Karabakh settlement in extremely
short terms, till October 2009, as the Turkish leadership demands.

"Connection- Mari Yovanovich, U.S. ambassador to Armenia and M. Bryza,
ambassador to Azerbaijan, will represent likeness of hard press,
pressing from Armenia concessions on status of Nagorno-Karabakh and
consent to singing of Kar agreement with Turkey, and from Azerbaijan –
concessions on Lachin corridor and a referendum in Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic," Manukyan said.

According to him, joint activity of specialist on "colored revolutions"
(M.Yovanovich) and specialist on geopolitics (M.Bryza) could shatter
seriously position of Russia and the Organization of Agreement on
collective safety in Caucasian region.

"Appointment of Deputy Secretary of State of the United States,
U.M.Bryza the U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan will only speed up the
process of integration of Caucasian republics in NATO. Bryza is
informed well on processes of Armenian-Turkish and Nagorno-Karabakh
settlement, he knows all details of Armenian- Azerbaijani relations
and weak places of heads of these states," Manukyan said.

For the time being, M.Bryza has not confirmed his appointment to