Armenia, Azerbaijan leaders hold talks in Moscow

Armenia, Azerbaijan leaders hold talks in Moscow

Associated Press Worldstream
July 17, 2009 Friday 3:25 PM GMT

The presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan are meeting in Moscow in the
latest round of talks aimed at resolving the dispute over

Armenia’s Serge Sarkisian and Azerbaijan’s Ilham Aliyev have met half
a dozen times over the past year. There are rising expectations of a
solution to one of the former Soviet Union’s most troubling "frozen

Nagorno-Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan, but has been under the control
of Armenian soldiers and ethnic Armenian forces since a war ended in

Aliyev and Sarkisian are to meet with Russian President Dmitry
Medvedev on Saturday to report on their talks. Russia, along with the
United States and France, is leading international efforts to work out
a settlement.