Adjutant General of the Kansas National Guard visits Armenia

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July 21, 2009

Adjutant General of the Kansas National Guard visits Armenia

Major General Tod M. Bunting, The Adjutant General of the Kansas
National Guard, is visiting Armenia from June 20 to June 24 in
connection with the longstanding partnership that the Kansas Army and
Air National Guard has with Armenia. During his visit, General Bunting
will meet with Minister of Defense General Seyran Ohanyan and
participate, with the Minister, in an Awards Ceremony recognizing the
contributions of Armenia’s Peacekeeping Brigade to "Operation Iraqi
Freedom" in Iraq. He will also meet with Minister of Emergency
Situations Mher Shahgeldyan, and speak at a Bio-Security Workshop at the
Armenian Rescue Service’s training center.

General Bunting will visit the construction site of a warehouse designed
to house the military field hospital donated to Armenia by the U.S.
Government and will meet with the Surgeon General of the Ministry of
Defense. He will also visit a community police station and meet with
high ranking police officials to discuss a proposed cooperative program
between Kansas and Armenia on community policing. The Major General,
and educators from Kansas who are accompanying him, will have meetings
at the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the
Ministry of Health to discuss areas of cooperation between institutions
of higher education in these fields in Armenia and the United States.

The Kansas National Guard has had a State Partnership Program with the
Republic of Armenia since 2003. During the course of that time, the
Kansas National Guard has spent millions of dollars in assisting Armenia
in areas ranging from dental care for rural communities, to training in
land mine clearance and disaster response.