BAKU: Baku Armenians Are Time-Workers In Borchali Villages


July 21 2009

Marneuli. Nizami Mammadzadeh -APA. "Armenians prefer to live in other
countries than Armenia because of unemployment and poverty in the
country", the Armenians receiving refugee status in Armenia told APA
Georgian bureau.

After the closing of Sadakhli market, the Armenians were forced to
work by the day in the houses of Azerbaijanis in Borchali villages
of Georgia. They engage mostly in the agricultural work. Every day
hundreds of Armenians crossed the Georgian borders to search jobs in
the Azerbaijani houses in Borchali. They are working for three lari
per day.

Ashot, a 40-year old Armenian told APA that they look at the Armenians
born in Azerbaijan and received refugee status in Armenia as a
second-rate man and even don’t give in marriage their daughters.

There are Armenians who are selling fruits in the markets of Marneuli
and Tbilisi, but they said they couldn’t earn enough money because
of high customs duty in Georgia. Local Armenians living in Marneuli
can come to understanding with the Georgian customs offices and carry
fruits to Armenia.

Local official of the Sadakhli village Aflatun Veliyev told APA that
hundreds of Armenian citizens crossed the Sadakhli customs station
in recent years to search jobs in Borchali or to go abroad.