Defeated In Afghanistan; Let’s Invade Iran


Pakistan Daily
July 24 2009

The Israel Lobby boy from Bush era – US Secretary of Defense Robert
Gates, admitted defeat in Afghanistan – as quoted by Los Angeles
Times on July 19: "The troops are tired. The Americans people of
pretty tired. The US-lead forces must gain ground against militants
(as if Taliban are the only people carrying guns while Americans,
British, Canadian, Australian and Nato – are in Afghanistan to feed
hungry people and spread Christianity!) in Afghanistan by next summer
to avoid a public perception that war is unwinable. Taliban would
not be defeated within one year (it would be 9th year, idiot) but
it’s critical that the US military and its allies showed that they
are making progress…."

Last week at Economic Club of Chicago – Robert Gates spilled his
Zionist beans: "Iran is the one that concerns me the most because
there don’t seem to be good options (other than war) wher one can have
optimism that good option will be found…..Iran’s is going to have
capability to deliver nuclear weapons to the people in their region
(maybe the Zionist is ignorant of the fact that Tehran already has the
delivery mechanism to reach Tel Aviv – however, they need a nuclear
weapon. Maybe they can steal one of Israel’s 240 nuclear bombs!) a
lot sooner than they’re going to have the capability to deliver them
to us (don’t woory – Tehran already has a terrorist group in the US,
known as MOSSAD).

Jewish controlled mainstream media has already started echoing
Afghanistan to become Obama’s Vietnam. For example, Newsweek, on July
16 published John Barry’s article saying that "even the coalition
commanders in Afghanistan wonder if they can win the war". Sahil
Kapur writing for the Zionist think tank Huffingtonpost, though
admitted that Iraq-Afghanistan war has "contributed to an exploding
deficit, a $10 trillion debt, a US army stretched thin and a nearlu
unmanageable economic crisis". However, for the benefit of his native
India – he pleaded on February 18, 2009: "Don’t Let Afghanistan Become
Obama’s Vietnam".

Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran share the common reasons for the Israel
Lobby to force Washington to fight wars for Israel – which are:
threat to Israel’s military superiority in the region, opium, and
oil. In addition to Iran’s progress in the nuclear field, Islamic
Resistance groups Hizb’Allah and Hamas have shaken Israel’s myth
of invincibility. Like Iraq, Iran too has huge deposits of oil and
gas. It sits on the world’s largest oil reserves, the Zagros Oil
Belt. Taliban banned opium cultivation and brought it to its lowest
level (178 tons), which sent socks to the Jewish monopolized The Wall
Street. Since US occupation – the opium cultivation has jumped to
over 4,000 tons per year. Afghanistan also sits between Turkmenistan,
home to world’s third largest natural gas reserves and a lucrative
market for the Israelis. The Caspian Basin is estimated to be worth
more than US$5 trillion.

There are two plans to exploit Caspian oil reserves. One is oil and gas
pipelines through Afghanistan to Pakistani port of Gwadar (Balochistan)
and then shipped to refineries in Israel – and the other is oil and
gas pipelines to Turkish port of Ceyhan and thence to Israel’s oil
terminal at Ashkelon and on to its Red Sea port of Eilat.

Yosef A. Maiman, an Israeli billionaire, owns lion’s share of
Turkmenistan’s oil and gas industry. He is the "Special Ambassador" of
Israel to Turkmenitan government. He is also Israel’s "Honrary Consul"
in Peru. In keeping with Israeli political interests, Maiman’s planned
pipelines bypass Iran and Russia. Maiman has said: "I have no objection
in dealing with Iran, "when and if Israeli policy allows it"."

According to American WesternGeco Geophysical Company – "The Turkmen
sector of Caspian Sea contains up to 11 billion tons of oil and 5.5
trillion cubic meters of gas. A few days earlier the Special Envoy of
the US Secretary of State for Eurasian Energy, Richard Morningstar,
visited Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. Both the US and Israel are
training Azerbaijan armed forces against Armenia which maintains
close relations with Islamic Iran and Russia.

This oil is mine: G-d gave it to me just as He gave me the Holy Land