Taxpayers’ Consciousness Will Allow Armenia Pay Off Debts


29.07.2009 18:27 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ High tax assemblability will allow lowering
of national debt index ratio against 2015-2016 GDP index to 30%
level, WB Armenia country Manager Aristomene Varoudakis told a news
conference. According to him, small national debt of Armenia at the
time of crisis allowed RA government find necessary financing to
support the economy.

RA’s external debt will increase, as monetary resources were mobilized
to overcome financial crisis consequences. In 2012-2013 external debt
ratio against 2015-2016 GDP index will reach 45% level. Aristomene
Varoudakis also added that according to WB forecasts, increase in tax
payments, linked to restoring economy will enable repayment of external
debt. "High tax assemblability rate will allow lowering of national
debt ratio against 2015-2016 GDP index to 30% level," Varoudakis noted.

Still there are issues to be solved in tax administration and
assemblability sphere. "Tax payers have to fulfill their tax
obligations," WB Armenia country Manager emphasized.