At What The Iranian Ambassador Hints


12:57:29 – 01/07/2009

On July 1, answering a question on the Armenian and Iranian relations,
the Iranian ambassador to Armenia Seid Ali Saghighyan made a very
interesting statement in connection with the prospects of the
Armenia-Iran railway.

First, the Iranian ambassador stated that regardless who would win the
Iranian presidential election, the friendly relations with Armenia
would never change, because the stances of all the four candidates
in connection with foreign policy do not differ much. The Iranian
ambassador assured, that all the arrangements, which were taken months
ago during Serge Sargsyan’s visit to Iran, will be continued.

He stated that the arrangements include those concerning the railway,
Iran-Armenia oil pipeline. According to the Iranian ambassador,
a group of expert is going to arrive in Armenia to continue these
issues. According to him, the Armenian and Iranian initiatives have
not only a bilateral but also a regional significance.

For example, he stated, that if the Armenian and Iranian railway
will be continued up to the Black Sea, it will connect Europe with
China, Japan. On the other hand, he stated, that the oil pipeline may
involve also other interested sides, just as it happened in case of
the railway, as Russia, Kazakhstan, and even Turkey expressed their
willingness to participate in the financing of the project.