‘South Caucasus Railway’ And Russian-Armenian University To Create C


2009-08-04 19:18:00

ArmInfo. ‘South Caucasus Railway’ and Russian-Armenian University
will create a corporate management school or a ‘Leadership School’,
SCR press service told ArmInfo. The corresponding memorandum was
signed today by Director General of SCR CJSC Shevket Shaydullin and
Rector of RAU Armen Darbinyan.

The school to be created aims at retraining of SCR’s specialists,
including the company’s top managers. So, according to the project
terms, 20 top managers of SCR, as well as 20 middle-link specialists
will receive training started early 2009-2010 academic year. The
training programme, developed by RAU specialists, includes such
disciplines as management economy, financial management, commerce,
applied strategic management, risk management in the conditions of
uncertainty, business analysis, tax planning in corporations, staff
management, investment designing and management accounting.

It is expected that RAU-SCR joint project will further allow to
attract a number of other big companies to cooperation. According
to the project initiators S. Shaydullin and A. Darbinyan, certain
business-structures have already expressed their interest in
participation in the ‘Leadership School’. Participants in the
memorandum expressed confidence that the project will be of a regular
nature. To note, about 4300 people work at SCR.

SCR CJSC is the 100 percent subsidiary of Russian Railways CJSC. In
February 2008 SCR obtained a concession of the state CJSC Armenian
Railway. The agreement of concession of the Armenian Railroad CJSC
for 30 years with a 10-year renewable period was signed in Yerevan
in February 2008.