Dispute Between Heritage Opposition Party And Head Of RPA Parliament


2009-08-04 19:15:00

ArmInfo. The reason of the continuing dispute between Heritage
opposition party and Head of RPA parliamentary faction Galust
Sahakyan was the latter’s statement made on July 24 who accused Raffi
Hovannisian, Heritage Party Leader, of signing the document entitled
"Nagorny Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan" in 1992 within the frames
of the OSCE Committee of Ministers.

Heritage party faction disseminated a statement on August 4 saying that
R. Hovannisian made relevant refutation on July 27. Nevertheless, on
July 28 G. Sahakyan explained that another representative of Armenia
approve the above document. G. Sahakyan blamed R. Hovannisian for
heading the Foreign Ministry of Armenia in the period when the force
in power of Armenia intended to "handoff Karabakh". Later on July
31 G. Sahakyan declared on the air of Radio Hay that R. Hovannisian
had been against recognizing independence of the Nagorny Karabakh
Republic. Dwelling on G. Sahakyan’s words, the authors of the statement
say that G. Sahakyan discredits the Republican Party of Armenia as
well as wonder if President of Armenia, RPA Chairman, Serzh Sargsyan
should make apologies.

In addition, Heritage Party faction sets forth 5 reasons to recognize
the Nagorny Karabakh Republic. Reason One: the NKR meets the criteria
of the Statehood under International Law. Reason Two: The people of
Nagorny Karabakh have exercised their right to self-determination
through a referendum. Reason Three: It is de-facto independent. Reason
Four: Azerbaijan abused civil, human and cultural rights of the people
of Nagorny Karabakh while it was under Azerbaijani rule. Reason Five:
Without the international guarantees against Azeraijani aggression,
which only recognition can ensure, Azerbaijan will continue to pursue
a military solution aimed at the elimination of Nagorny Karabakh’s
Armenian population.