Armenian Foreign Ministry Highlights Unserious Speculations On ‘Deli


2009-08-04 19:17:00

ArmInfo. Armenian Foreign Ministry highlights unserious speculations on
"delivery of Iranian weapons via Armenia"

"This is so unserious, that there is no need for comments," Tigran
Balayan, Head of the Armenian Foreign Ministry Press Service for Media,
told ArmInfo.

Thus, Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera has made the tragic crash
of the plane making Tehran-Yerevan flight on July 15 a subject for

The newspaper reports that the reason of the crash that killed 168
people was nothing but explosion of weapons allegedly delivered
to the fighters of Hezbollah. Israel and Azerbaijan have easily
"caught the bug". Particularly, a certain Israeli commentator Alex
Vexler took the liberty to declare on the Israeli Russian-language TV
channel "Israel plus" that "Iran has agreed with Armenia on delivery
of weapons to the terrorist organization Hezbollah and the military
cargo is further delivered from Yerevan to Turkey, Syria and Lebanon
to the storage depots of Hezbollah." Nevertheless, the commentator did
not bother to explain how the weapons are "delivered" from Armenia,
for instance, to Turkey, which Armenia has neither diplomatic ties
nor open borders with. In addition, the Israeli analyst says that
several members of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) were on
board of the crashed plane. He says that IRGC representatives could
not arrive in Yerevan without official support of Armenia and that
the Government of Armenia was allegedly informed.