Tehran: Foreign Students Watch Iranian Play "Dogleg" In Tehran


Tehran Times
August 13, 2009

TEHRAN — A group of foreign students visiting Iran watched the
Iranian play "Dogleg" at Tehran’s City Theater Complex on Tuesday.

Twenty five students from Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey, Italy, Armenia
and Georgia sat to watch the play director Katayun Feiz Marandi.

The students who are studying Persian history and literature in
their countries regarded the play a good example of oriental plays,
the Persian service of Fars reported on Wednesday.

Victor from Hungary believed that the play was an interesting one,
saying that he was fascinated by acting but the actors were speaking
fast making it hard for him to understand the dialogue.

Iliana Bourgeois from Bulgaria said that she is traveling to Iran for
the first time and that the play gave her a good feeling since she
had no idea how good Iranian plays would be. In her idea, the play
"Dogleg" was a modern work.

Asma Zengin from Turkey called the play a beautiful work and said
that in her idea the actors played very well. She was also surprised
why such a beautiful complex like City Theater has such a small hall
like Sayeh.

Tatia who is studying Persian language at the Tbilisi State University
of Georgia said that she enjoyed the play, its good acting, and
wonderful music.

Written by Arash Abbasi, "Dogleg" narrates the events happening in a
Christian family in Iran after the Iran-Iraq war. Their son is lost
in the war, and their married daughter is back home having problems
in her married life and is insisting to get divorced.

The play went onstage on August 9 at the Sayeh Hall. Ali Sarabi,
Nahid Moslemi, Roya Bakhtiari, and Elham Kordad are some of the actors.