Swearing-In Ceremony Of U.S. Peace Corps


16:21 / 08/13/2009

Today in Charentsavan (Armenia) U.S. Peace Corps Armenia conducted a
swearing-in ceremony for the seventeenth group of volunteers serving
in Armenia. U.S. Ambassador Marie L. Yovanovitch presided over
the ceremony, which has become an annual event. During the event,
44 Peace Corps Trainees demonstrated their knowledge of Armenian
language and culture learned during their training program. They
performed Armenian songs and shared their experiences with their host
families during these first weeks.

Before moving to their permanent sites, Peace Corps volunteers
completed eleven weeks of Armenian language, cultural, technical,
and safety and security training to prepare them for two years of
service in towns and villages throughout Armenia. Volunteers will
collaborate with Armenian counterpart organizations in the areas
of English language education, business and community development,
health education, and environmental education.

Peace Corps Armenia was established in 1992 at the invitation of
the Government of Armenia. Since that time, more then 600 Peace Corps
volunteers have served in Armenia. With the addition of this new group,
there will be total of 80 volunteers working in schools, universities,
NGOs, and health facilities throughout Armenia.